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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. Abbott’s biggest crime is making Patrick sound reasonable. This fucking simulation is off the rails.
  2. CooterBrown

    USMNT 2023

    Balogun is so good at forecasting open space in the box. When he points to the fucking ground, PLACE THE FUCKING BALL THERE. He could've had 2-3 more goals if we weren't so hesitant to pass to a striker before the open space has developed.
  3. CooterBrown

    USMNT 2023

    Paramount+. There was briefly a QR code to watch this game for free at the beginning of the game. Maybe if you download the app that will be an option.
  4. Yep. Agreeing to debate these idiots gives validation to their viewpoints. Few viewpoints deserve a debate.
  5. I didn’t even know Elemental was out already. Did Disney scale back the release? I went to the Village Alamo last night and it’s not even showing there. Looking at the Alamo app right now, it’s the 10th movie listed and you have to page way down to even find it.
  6. Oh yeah, he’s a lunatic. However, he does a great job of playing the same person from two different timelines. They have a different enough personality that it feels like two different people. In the same frame, you never feel like it’s the filming trick it is.
  7. The Flash. This may be the best DC movie that’s not Batman.
  8. It wasn’t specific to construction. Basically the bill banned cities from passing local ordinances and rules in areas that are under state authority: business, education, labor, natural resources, finance, agriculture, etc. Basically everything except zoning for now. Any existing local ordinances related to these areas become null and void September 1st.
  9. No idea. I never saw anything other than that.
  10. I read yesterday that it wasn’t actually a SWA issue. 20+ TSA agents no showed for the morning shift and that created security line issues that rippled throughout the day.
  11. We were snorkeling at Maho Bay in the USVI and a pelican dove in 5 feet in front of me to snag a fish. I was underwater at the time and it scared the hell out of me. At first, I thought someone had somehow dove in the water.
  12. Rewatching Heat right now and I’m pretty sure Danny Trejo’s house is Bosch’s house.
  13. 3 heads of garlic seems like an awful lot for that salsa. That’s like 30 garlic cloves. Surely that’s a mistranslation.
  14. I dredged them in a Cajun seasoning and did half in flour and half in a corn meal mix. They were very good. The flour were a bit superior to the corn meal. It was quick and fast since there’s basically no prep work and they cook in like 90 seconds. Since this was my only time frying something in the past 5 years, I probably won’t do it again. Cleaning up afterwards reminded me why I don’t deep fry at all. If i had a deep fryer, they’d probably get a regular rotation.
  15. Is anyone else really turned off by the 4% rule and the traditional retirement portfolio mix? It seems way too conservative to me. My current plan is to stay aggressive and collect dividends/capital gains on a portfolio heavy on technology and health care which I don't see trending downwards in my lifetime. Sure, you may lose 20%+ in a bad downturn but the longest the market has taken to reach new highs after a bear market is 2 years (not including the great depression which was 5 years). My plan is to keep 2 years of living expenses in cash/bonds and collect dividends and capital gains from my portfolio during bull markets and reinvest it during bear markets. Past performance isn't a indicator of future performance but let's be honest, in general it's damn good indicator. Back testing my portfolio shows that, over 7 years, the balance would almost double without dividend/CG reinvestment and the income it generates would range between $114K-$400K annually. My mix is an equal spread between FXAIX (S&P 500 index), FSPTX (Fidelity Select Technology Portfolio), FSPHX (Fidelity Select Healthcare Portfolio), and DIVO (Amplify CWP Enhanced Dividend Income ETF). Am I crazy in this idea? Granted, I have my normal investment portfolio, my wife will be drawing a six figure pension w/healthcare from the state, plus social security a few years later, so maybe that back up allows me to be less risk adverse than most.
  16. Is her wife gonna have to do prison on her own now or do the feds drop the charges?
  17. I always liked their Liberty Ale more than Anchor Steam. I don't think I've had either in 20 years.
  18. The big key to enjoyment is doing it without breaking the bank. It's one of the many reasons I prefer DLR to WDW. It's so much easier to do things affordably with dozens of cheaper hotels and restaurants within a 10 minute walk of the gate. Plus, the logistics are so much easier.
  19. Years ago I was at Port A with my uncle. It's crowded AF in the surf. He's sitting there smoking, drinking beer, watching the surf, and announces he's going fishing. He grabs his rod from the truck and walks out into waist deep surf and casts out between dozens of people. Within a minute he had a 4-foot sand shark. At 12, I was pretty impressed that his first redneck instinct wasn't to warn people of a shark but to go catch it.
  20. He is my favorite author by a long shot. Off the top of my head, I don’t even know who number two would be.
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