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  1. I mean, not gonna go, but man I would have a good time. Of all these groups, Bright Eyes is the one that I still listen to in some form or another (although... Jimmy Eat World is great and in the rotation, and actually Manchester Orchestra as well), but man looking at this has made me realize how much I'd love to see Dashboard. Needs Motion City Soundtrack. And honestly Avril Lavigne can fuck off, I don't know why she's on here.
  2. Metroplex actually: https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/prostitution-ring-bust/ Out of an area as populated as the Metroplex I’m not sure how this is a big blow to sex trafficking. Apparently no sex traffickers, pimps or prostitutes were involved.
  3. trailer. https://www.google.com/search?q=all+the+light+we+cannot+see+trailer&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS884US885&oq=all+the+light+we+cannot+see+t&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i131i433i512j0i3l2j0i512j69i61l3.14109j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6459359e,vid:TMmZ4bTfVjU Netflix. As good a book as I have read in a long, long time. I hope they stay true to the book. The ending shook/surprised me a bit and I had to go back and re read to sort of digest/process it. I still hope they stay true to it.
  4. Or is there a special dinner or initiation for those of us who have over 10,000 likes? Need to let the less fortunate know who the fortunate are.
  5. on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold.
  6. Let's fucking GOO!!!!!!! AnguishedMiniatureGemsbok-mobile.mp4
  7. WISE COUNTY (CBSDFW.COM) — A two-day search in rural Wise County amid cold temperatures led to the discovery of Athena Strand's body. The 7-year-old was first reported missing from her father's home on Nov. 30. At about 8:00 p.m. on Dec. 2, 2022, Sheriff Lane Akin said her body was found about 9 miles away from her home, southeast of Boyd. Police said that the contract driver of a FedEx truck abducted Athena and that she likely died within an hour based on digital evidence and on a confession. The driver was named as Tanner Lynn Horner, 31. He is being held at the Wise County Jail on charges of capital murder and aggravated kidnapping. His bond has been set at $1.5 million. Sheriff Akin said that at about the time Athena went missing, Horner dropped off a package at the home. She was probably abducted from her driveway, about 200 yards away from the house. According to the Sheriff, Horner gave detectives at least two false locations - including an area of CR 4599 that was taped off by police on Friday afternoon - before leading them to Athena's body. There was no information about a possible motive, but authorities said Horner did not know Athena or her family. Earlier this week, Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin said they believe Athena likely ran away but did not rule out foul play. "It could be any number of things and we're looking at all those possibilities." The Wise County Sheriff's Office said they received a call from her stepmother reporting her missing after the two had an argument while her father was not home. Police said she spent "about an hour" looking for her before contacting the sheriff's office. An Amber Alert was issued for Athena on Thursday and several hundred volunteers came out to Wise County to aid in the search.
  8. I don't know, sir. I don't fucking know either. I guess we learned not to do it again.
  9. ....for Montblanc. And he's the main character. And designs his own pen in the process: https://www.voguebusiness.com/story/fashion/montblanc-asked-wes-anderson-to-direct-its-ad-he-offered-a-pen-design
  10. Or something like that? I enjoy history as a kid, but it seems now that time was so limited that it seems we barely skimmed the surface. Now that I'm older my interest has really peaked on many historical details. If not, can we haz one?
  11. There are some threads rust need to be enshrined, and serve as a shining example for generations to come. The Taliban thread on the Daily Texan board belongs in classics as well as the thread where @nowthis puts himself (nntawwt).
  12. My favorite snack these days are baby pickles, or cornichons for the French, or Gherkins for the English. I mean I was always a spear man growing up, damn there is nothing better than some kosher dill baby pickles. Also, if you want to take a shot of vodka, a shot of pickle juice is a great chaser. Also, nothing better for a Bloody Mary than a baby pickle p.s. if you eat sweet pickles, you are a monster
  13. Funny and clever. Matt Berry is a riot. Gardening at night.
  14. Belize / Ambergris Caye Jet is still alive and kicking in the bar/grill at BZE Airport. The Truck Stop on Ambergris Caye is pretty cool and the food is good. Secret Beach isn't a secret anymore - the road there is a beating but the beach is awesome. Eclectic gathering of people with 3-4 bar/grills open now. Elvi's Kitchen fried chicken is damn good. Hidden Treasure's sounds like a scrip club but is a damn fine restaurant if you can find it. New Palapa Bar is bigger....not sure if that makes it better but the food is still good and the atmosphere is cool. Still has that new feeling but that'll wear off soon. Ak'Bol Yoga Retreat has a great breakfast on the beach....no yoga required. DandE's ice cream hasn't changed and that's good. Stop in for a visit with some old ex-pats and good desert when in town.
  15. Needs to be done before next senate elections. We gotta make sure to replace him after getting screwed by the Merrick garland and RBG disasters. we gotta stop the bleeding.
  16. Let's set the parameters as, football will be played. Normal season as scheduled. You have to wear a mask, take it off and you get tossed. Do you go?
  17. Is it just me, or has Clemson been getting slightly worse each of the last few years? Is Dabo's magic starting to wear off?
  18. I have not enjoyed the running of our backs as much since I was a Kid! Have we entered that magic times? I think so! BRob with the spin of the Gods? RoJo SmashMouth, slasher and Touchdown scorer KRob, Needs to take a small step back on blocks but Yes, can I have a Yes? and Mr Brooks? 4x100 games? I like this running game!
  19. He's old, embarrassing, makes costly mistakes and looks like a perv. The only way he could represent this place any better is if he was a lawyer and also fat.
  20. So, my forehead seems to be getting bigger. Right now, I'm about at Jason Isbell level. I started on Propecia from a mail-order joint a year or so ago. Popping a pill every morning is easy enough but I'm not sure it's working, and I'm strongly considering going with Rogaine. Rogaine sounds like a PITA. Any of y'all in a similar situation? I'm mid-50's, and I know that I have a lot more hair than some guys my age, but I'd like to hang on to it.
  21. Just got inked again. 4th spot. It's been 15 years since my last one. Anyone else like the ink? I'll never get one that I cannot conceal.
  22. Too trendy right now? Don't care. Easily one of the top cocktails for me. Equal parts Tanqueray, Campari, and Noilly Prat sweet vermouth is my go-to. Sometimes a dash of orange bitters, courtesy of a friend's recommendation.
  23. Let's do. I was a Beefeater Gibson fan, but am now enamored with Citadel and, well Noilly Prat just because that's what I have on hand. Let's talk about vermouth and what it adds. I know, I know...just wave the bottle over the glass. Let's talk "dirty" or not. What brand of olive and cocktail onion. I like shaken. Evidently I like the "bruising" because I like those tiny shards of ice. Tanquerey is just too antiseptic for me. Tell me what your favorites are and why.
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