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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. If I ever find myself in the same room as Jennifer Connelly, I would consider (do) anything she asks.
  2. I went with B under the idea that my overall purpose was to get laid. Because the chicks may be a bit busted at the Kid Rock show, but at least I won't have to compete with Kenny to land any of them juggalos.
  3. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about (as usual). I think Bonds' records are perfectly legit and the only illegitimate World Series I know occurred in 1919 between the White Sox and the Red Leggings. Not a fucking Yankee in sight.
  4. People like to take meaningless stands so they can pretend they have high integrity. I believe its one of the qualifying requirements to be a baseball writer. Athletes in every major sport have been "supplementing" their care and upkeep for extra juice since the beginning of time. The game itself has altered the ball through the years, changed the mound height, etc. Every era is its own era. And Barry Bonds was the greatest home run hitter (and baseball player) of his era. His era happened to include a very live ball and some advanced supplementing. 73 and 762 are just as legitimate as any other record in sports. Congratulations to A-Aron. He holds a Yankee and American League record and the 7th highest total in MLB history.
  5. Willie Fritz, currently putting things together at Tulane.
  6. No lube games can be a horror to watch. Aggy just needs to squeeze tight and hold on.
  7. Land doesn't vote. The bulk of the state is not conservative. Those city votes actually count.
  8. I have managed to go my entire Texas Longhorn baseball fandom without pay one cent, or reading one word, from D1baseball.com and feel comfortable going to my grave the same.
  9. Folks that get pussy don't have to tell others they get pussy. Say hello to your hand for me.
  10. Because after the piece of shit Favre lied and destroyed her career, she dared to continue to speak up and push back. That's really infuriating to misogynists, so they throw around language meant to demean and ridicule. Just like they always do when discussing empowered women.
  11. She's got a current show on Disney+ so might have been a contract issue. And disagree, Shirley was crucial to the chemistry. If anything, she was the glue of the group.
  12. Imma wait until after 11/5/22 to make that kind of final proclamation. It happens.
  13. I met the guy who ran sound for the original run. Nice guy who loved the gig, but he hated to tell anyone about it because of the shitstorm of abuse it would bring.
  14. Not looking good at all for old Farrvrre. Recent pic:
  15. Clickers. Viral brain-eating fungus that mutates you. Post-everything. Story begins in Austin.
  16. Just think of the results if he had also sought greatness on the OC side. Pobody's nerfect.
  17. This is exactly how I think they'll play it with just more, "You're still racing..." end of episodes.
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