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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. Let's see, quick check of the Pro Football Hall of Fame shows Texas with 30 members, Pennsylvania 27, Ohio 22, and Nebraska...3. Yep, checks out. Or maybe 'ol Bill was just talking about Nebraska's rank in a listing of 1990's college football meccas. Isn't it universally understood the world never changes after your 40s?
  2. They promoted in-house so no surprise they serve the same old shit sandwich. Can only surmise that Trauth abhors anything more than mediocrity (at best). Just a shameful squandering of opportunity. There's absolutely no reason Texas State can't be on the same level as the mid-tier Florida schools like UCF, SFU, FAU. The talent bed is there, the student population is there, the brand is should be there. The inability to attract a coach of any measure is truly mind boggling.
  3. My extremely unwithit understanding is that right before Elon shut him down, Kanye tweeted that he caught Kim and Chris fucking.
  4. Every single one of these teams had a shot to play for the championship. Did they all deserve it? Yes, because they made the field. Did St. Peters "deserve" to be in the EE? Yes, because they earned it. Did Kentucky deserve to go straight to the championship because they were Kentucky? No, their pedigree is irrelevant. The notion that only a select few "deserve" what they've always had is ludicrous. I greatly look forward to the day an undefeated SEC team (not named Texas) loses to a "lesser" program on any given playoff Saturday and there can be no excuse given that they didn't want to be there. It's a sport. Play the game.
  5. CM is massively underrated as a songwriter and singer. LB is definitely underrated as a guitarist and absolutely critical to the massive commercial success of the band. But it was never his band.
  6. Why are we talking about Ohio State in a Conference Championship Game thread?
  7. Meteor, war, floods, drought, famine, pestilence. Whatever it takes at this point.
  8. Stanford application rejected, huh?
  9. The Internet Scold act still plays though for sure.
  10. Texas at #2, but a notable number of 1st place votes.
  11. Probably not over the election loss enough to focus on NSD1. He was banging Jesus? Would explain the Liberty hire.
  12. We won't really know until conference play.
  13. He's been decent, but I'm gonna hold off my consideration until I see him in conference play. Appears to be figuring things out well. But still too early to tell for sure.
  14. Please advise me what my standard is, since you seem to have such insight, Krescunt? You seem to have trouble recognizing that my initial post was slanted from an internal perspective of Ewers. You also appear to have missed the first sentence and my own half-assed belief in the idea. Your jump to "we seriously wanting" is only in your fevered projections. Nothing in my post indicated seriousness. And as much as I would like to believe making me the Surly spokesperson would be the proper way for this site to be conducted, I don't really think I speak for anyone else but myself. You seem to have some fundamental issues with how internet message boards work. I'm one poster. I have my own stupid ideas. Much like Groucho, I would spit on any "we" you try to associate me with, and denounce your infatuation with the scourge of collective thinking. I'll try one more time, skeet: Kid had a shitty year he'd like to forget. For any chance of true, long-term success, he has to put it behind him and move forward. There's a symbolic opportunity to move forward. A symbol that would reverberate across the entire landscape of his budding career. A symbolic undertaking that could help facilitate an emotional reset and lead to an internal focus by the man to now "earn" his place, rooted in the symbolism. He earning for himself by meeting his own high bar, not for any loser on the internet. Then, hopefully with success, the regrown hairstyle is a glorious symbol of achievement. Secondary/follow-up thought regarding your reply: Nothing matters when you perform exceptionally well. Everything matters when you don't. That is not my standard, just the way it is. Winning is the greatest deodorant. Clear enough for you, SJ? Or do you need me to explain symbolism too?
  15. Of course not. I'm simply saying that it's a purely symbolic way of breaking from his past and starting fresh. He can wear his hair like Wattie Buchan for all I care. (look it up you fucking utes) Just win. When you don't, everything is an issue, including your style/personality. Not my rules, just pointing them out. Did I dumb it down enough for this thread?
  16. It might seem dumb, but it is not a ridiculous notion that such a move might effect positive change. Cut the hair as a symbolic break from the HS/NIL hotshot period of his life. That crazy kid couldn't cut it at this level. Time for a more mature Mr. Ewers to emerge over the offseason, both in attitude and performance. Want to sport a mullet as a high-profile D1 QB? Earn it. Show you can handle the business end first, THEN let it grow and party all you want. Otherwise, you're just Joe Dirt in a Sonic commercial.
  17. The Tulane team be playing for a NY6 bowl next week. KU would be a worse loss.
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