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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. Hmm, without reading the link I'll just assume those are fans of the rivals of any school with an opening. I myself would recommend OU dump Venables and hire Frost immediately.
  2. That's the stuff dreams are made of.
  3. The morons that live outside the provincial footprint of a limited sports network. Lol.
  4. You just can't help yourself, can you? You offer nothing unique or special. That you don't even grasp the use of Slater Martin in my post as both a knowing and appreciative nod to the past, AND an exaggerated way to poke at you, is hilarious. I was clowning you, clown. And no, despite your uncontrollable need to try and elevate yourself above the rest of us, you don't know jack shit about my liver. Or my age. If it helps, I was in the in HOT Coliseum when Mike Wacker's knee exploded and the best team of the Lemons era was gone in an instant. But I won't tell you how old I was when an entire crowd of out-of-control Baylor bastards went silent as a result. I'll just let that be another of the million things you don't know. Just know I've been around long enough that I've seen your song and dance enough times to call out the steps beforehand. You're a bitch. Your new use of "l'il gooey" is just another example of you resorting to 1st grade bullshit when called out for your thin-skinned posting. Moreover, not a single one of your posts on this board has stated a single thought or opinion that is incapable of comprehension. Every single poster on this board is constantly talking about the history of this program. That no one wants to interact with you about it is not an indictment on the subject. It's just you. I really don't care what age you are, you act like an old, bitter nobody that believes you are better than the rest of us with absolutely zero justification for such a position. Cursing the world because your singular lack of genius was never appreciated. I've known teenagers with that attitude so it's not dependent on trips around the sun. It just depends on you being a putz. Is this the discourse you were looking for @SL Xpress? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!!!! Is it Monday yet?
  5. This fanbase is an incel. Texas just beat the #13 ranked team on the road and is 6-3 and bowl eligible in Y2 following 10+ years of failure. And all you stubby fingered message board geniuses can do is bitch and moan. Newsflash - This program ain't been TEXAS for a long time. The belief that your lazy, fat, couch sitting ass has a better clue on how to run a Tier 1 D1 football blue blood program is laughable. Probably wasting breath, but stop being clowns. At this point, it's just aggy behavior. Be better.
  6. The subject of the thread that you chose to click on and then broadcast your clown show for all to see by feigning (assuming you've grasped the concept of the mouse click) ignorance of the topic. Bravo on your spectacular contribution to the thread. Bravo!
  7. Biggest surprise is it took this long. That train had been off the tracks for a long time.
  8. Let us not assassinate this lad further, aggy. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency? Seriously, fuck off with your self-righteous bullshit. You're not special here. You don't have a monopoly on "true" Texas Longhorn basketball fandom. Based on the past few weeks, you're a bad fan that talks shit to others with the only justification being that your liver is more shriveled. As an elder, you are a sanctimonious ass with nothing of substance to add to a discussion other than tired cliches and milquetoast platitudes. Again, just because you personally witnessed Slater Martin take the court means fuck all. I've personally witnessed Derka be a more passionate, more devoted, more protective, and more insightful fan of this program over the last 20+ years than any triple diploma cunt could ever be. He was born to this family and you can fuck right off with your unjustified condescension. And this is coming from someone that went to war with him on multiple occasions. That motherfucker EARNED my respect, something you would do well to learn in your old age.
  9. Prosecutors always be handing out light sentences when they could easily get more.
  10. KD's behavior during the whole Kyrie saga(s) is an indictment of his complete lack of leadership skills. His whole "just want to play ball" mantra has become a cover for this deficiency. He may have won MVPs at GS, but that was never his team. This Nets team is his, and it's been a tire fire seen from the moon since the jump. I've always enjoyed giving LBJ shit for losing in the Finals more than he's won, but every single trip was due to his ability to carry the team through the season and reach the top. That required elite ball skills, AND elite leadership skills. KD's career will end with two rent-a-titles and a legacy of ignoring his responsibilities as a leader of men. What a shame.
  11. Maybe recognize, but Shatner is the only one getting any other offers.
  12. Something tells me this thread may have a few years to go before finished.
  13. Starting to look like the Phillies fans in that had the real insight.
  14. What a cowardly shit. @Bitterwhiteguy won't show his face around here anymore, but will run to an Arkansas board to spew his bitch-ass drivel. Starting to find some credibility to the theory Beard stole his girlfriend or lunch money back in the day. @Brian Fantana was right that he doesn't really give a shit about Morris, or the girl, or the actual facts. He's just using it as a convenient cudgel against Beard.
  15. I believe it was Steve Young who made the comment that mechanics are important, but nothing will fix an unnatural thrower. His opinion was that you can watch a QB and instantly tell whether their throwing motion is natural or a taught mechanic that will break down with pressure and unable to make the high level throws. Not making any comment on Weigman at this stage (only an idoit/aggy would), but you can only do so much with a guy's motion. Especially if rooted in baseball mechanics.
  16. He shouldn't have been wearing such a short skirt. You can't fault the rapist.
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