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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. osu is such a well-coached team.
  2. seems like we're playing a poorly coached team. Maybe it's just me.
  3. I've never seen a scenario in all my years where losing to ou has never NOT fucked us...
  4. I don't know. I walked out back, in-between cutting up the turkey & tri-tip to throw some more logs on the solo stove (because again, none of the in-laws know how to do shit for themselves). Dipshit wife of one of the brother-in-laws was going on and on about which side of the Royals she was on, how they screwed over Harry, etc. After tossing some logs, I looked around the group, trying to find someone who wasn't all-in on the conversation to give them the "wtf is she blabbering about now" look (no such luck with that crew). So I went back inside and pounded some more E.H.Taylor.
  5. and this is how we ended up with Strong Herman....oh man, this will be glorious.
  6. Limo is already outside the stadium, ready to take him to the airport.
  7. It's amazing how you can slave over prepping a cook, then the smoker, slicing, serving, etc etc. Then when it's time to process all the dirty dishes for 14 folks...none of the in-laws will lift a finger to help...I'm about to stick my dick in the mashed potatoes.
  8. Makes me think of the scene in Transformers where the AC130 & A10s fuck shit up.
  9. Holy shit, what is that??? Goddammit, I want that.
  10. 4 lbs of scallops and a strip loin roast cut up into steaks
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