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Tex Pete

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Everything posted by Tex Pete

  1. It isn’t. They’re assholes who want to jam all their friends in with them instead of sitting in the seats they paid for.
  2. To be fair, we make it easy for y’all when we’re the only conference competition and we continue to hire coaches who squat to pee. I think Venables is a meathead, but he hates Texas with a passion and understands that’s the most important game y’all play every season.
  3. Sure. Like all the other losses to OU since we’ve shared a conference.
  4. If you can’t follow that “weathering the storm” is indicative of a “let’s not get emotional” or “have fun” mindset, I can’t help you. We have more talent and more depth, but once again played a fire-breathing rival as just another team on the schedule. They fucked us up.
  5. Like all those other Big 12 championships we’ve won after rolling over and losing to OU?
  6. Tex Pete


    He’s not the reason. He was a tremendous loser, but Mack Brown shit all over the field in the Cotton Bowl for years before Charlie was stealing money from us. The OU game no place for pussies.
  7. We lost the game. They punched us in the mouth and took the fight to us. We kept taking the punches. Giving them points immediately was a very familiar sight, and ultimately cost us the game. We lost the ability to score on that possession and they cashed in. We also played not to lose on when we kicked the final FG, which ensured our loss. Very consistently since Stoops got to OU, playing not to lose has lost us our games against the Sooners. It’s an emotional game. When you’re playing an emotional opponent with near equal talent, you have to match their aggression and emotion. Sadly, our coaches don’t seem to have noticed and too many fans keep saying “Thank you, Sir. May I have another.” It’s Stockholm Syndrome. it you’re looking for the bed wetter, you might check the mirror.
  8. We’re only there to have fun. Thankfully, Sarkisian had someone else wait in line to buy the team Fair coupons so they were able to spend the rest of the afternoon eating corn dogs and riding the Texas Star Fun! Fun! Fun!
  9. And we still lost. Had we not shit all over ourselves in the first quarter, we would have easily won the game. We have more talent and more depth, but a loser mentality. Sarkisian attacked the last 2 years and pussied out this year.
  10. Yep. Not sure why people are dismissing the emotion aspect of the game. Ou has kicked our asses over and over because they came in and fucked us up from the kickoff. We almost got lucky enough to win anyway yesterday, but we never matched that emotion and lost because of it.
  11. Tex Pete


    Texas losing to OU historically dooms our season in the Big 12 era. It’s why we have hardly won any Big 12 championships.
  12. Tex Pete


    This is all true.
  13. If you don’t watch our games, you can shut the fuck up.
  14. Weathering the storm doesn’t work in that game. We will never learn. It pisses me off.
  15. With the money spent on THAT product? Shameful.
  16. At what point do we move from “getting it” after yet another loss that will keep us from winning a conference championship to DOING it? OU never seems to have that problem. I looked out there today and saw us running a Greg Davis playbook early on and “weathering the storm.” I was wondering if Mack had hacked into Sarkisian’s headset and was making suggestions. It was fucking awful. OU absolutely owns us. It is shameful.
  17. Texas A&M, ladies and gentlemen! Seriously, this is why the rollercoaster meme works. They are fucking idiots who cannot avoid touching themselves after beating a JUCO team.
  18. We have consistently been fucked by the Big12 in favor of OU. Why would this game be different?
  19. I hate to be that guy, but you come across as an idoit when you say stupid shit like that. For all intensive purposes, he’s right. And you’re the idoit.
  20. Yeah, but what about against aggy?
  21. Pretty sure it was his grandson. And he was RoostaMan and was mostly referred to as "Roosta." He often went off the deep end, but could be a good poster at times.
  22. Yeah try towards the top. Seats in the Cotton Bowl are generally close together. Jamming into sections down low is a dick move and makes it extremely uncomfortable for people who chose their seats carefully.
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