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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. Why sniffing your own farts is not a panty dropper, a single post.
  2. You ARE going to die. So weird dedicating yourself to a cult that spotlights its obsession to make others miserable as a selling point has led you to a place where you "don't want to live like this anymore". Congrats on a life well-lived.
  3. Some of those quotes read like links to aggy recruiting during the Hornfans days.
  4. That's weird cuz Louisiana explicitly allows for civil asset forfeiture. https://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=98287 I guess professions exempt from taxes get their own VIP set of laws.
  5. Ken Paxton suing other states for patients' medical records: "Yeah! States' rights! *tee hee!*"
  6. Y'all gonna be worshipping Flying Spaghetti Monster by page 6.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/groups/kerrvillebreakingnews/permalink/2437260589793793/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
  8. "As I have stated, I have many self-inflicted wounds. I'm destroying myself right now. I'm only tweeee years old!"
  9. I see a little bit of blue peeking through the clouds in Blanco.
  10. Discussion of the multiple problems with Mr. Hankey's bond starts at 14:30.
  11. https://www.reuters.com/legal/businessman-behind-trumps-ny-bond-says-he-charged-him-low-fee-2024-04-05/ Mr. Hankey? Touche', simulation.
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