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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Rimbo

  1. The Lions winning a Superb Owl in my lifetime would be epic on its own. Imagine living in a world where the Astros have won the World Series (twice!) and the Lions have won the Superb Owl.
  2. Yep Buffalo ran all over KC last week. Why didn't Baltimore try? Like didn't even attempt. I have no idea why stupid coaches do stupid things.
  3. Lamar Jackson sucks. chefs are goin to the superb owl
  4. This ref squad apparently is the only NFL squad that statistically favors the away team. And by several points. That bullshit call on Van Noy is why...
  5. Seems to be a lot of coffee threads, but this one has the most attention. I use a French press occasionally (stainless steel; glass ones end up breaking under my hands), but ever since I got a Breville Bambino it's been Americanos every day, with occasional cappuccinos and espressos. It's so much easier to clean, and I love the flavor and speed of brewing. But I agree with someone above who said the grinder is everything. Fresh ground beans in a good conical burr grinder with filtered water is THE biggest difference between bad coffee and good coffee. Still using an old Capresso Infinity I've had for nine years for that. When it dies, apparently the Baratza Encore is the new hotness.
  6. Good fucking God. I got a half-day vacation and a permanent point for a tiny fraction of what you fuckers are doing. @blacklab either they all get the same or I lose mine. Anyway. On-topic, I don't see why the hand-wringing over the DL coach. Do I need to remind y'all that we already have a very good DL coach on staff right now -- Pete Kwiatkowski himself. And yeah, they aren't all gonna be perfect hires. Sark certainly seems to do a better job hiring on the offensive side of the ball, though.
  7. oh that's beautiful: "For example, she kept saying 'no objection' as exhibits were entered into evidence. "It appeared to me that she was saying that because she that's something she had heard real lawyers say before."
  8. Stop reading the NY Times' reporting on this. 😉
  9. https://www.threads.net/@meidas_societyschild/post/C2lE9iorihz/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== tldr: he's gotta put over $90M in escrow to appeal he's fucked
  10. Uncle is probably in the closet and doesn't want to admit it. The more the hate it, the more likely they ARE it. Because if you aren't it, why would you bother?
  11. AND is a devout A&M grad who voted for Trump and married a Russian does that hit all the triggers for you?
  12. ok first off why do people use "throuple" when we already have perfectly good words for it like "trio"and "threesome" and "menage" secondly how is this bad for the kids? I think it'd be great to have a third... every weekend, two can go out and play while one stays home with the kids, and you rotate whose weekend it is. Kids get plenty of parent time with each parent, parents get plenty of self/couple time, win win win it's not like the parents are DIVORCED divorced; they just dissolved the legal entity and created a new one, while their lives changed none at all
  13. I mean... sometimes, you take the thicc drunk girl home and it turns out she's not just thicc, she gives the best, most enthusiastic head you've ever had, loves college sports, is totally cool to talk to, and can whip up a mean paella, and you're like, "Fuck yeah, this is marriage material!" And other times, you wake up in the morning and scream. Watching y'all absolutely lose your shit over the hire because a position coach is nobody you'd ever heard of before is entertaining. I written it before, you'll see me post it again: This is the year we find out the kind of coach Sark is for real.
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