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Everything posted by Izhmash

  1. Can we get the design plan for the impromptu hospitals that China built? Seems like they had a pretty well thought out strategy for dealing at least part of the outcomes.
  2. Elbow to elbow! The next time you cough into your elbow, just make sure you're not making mouth / nose to elbow contact bro. I agree with the Japanese bow. I also read someone suggesting just to simply place your hand gently over your heart.
  3. "Fecal Shedding". That's horrifically awesome. I will never go poop, drop a deuce, or drop the kids off at the pool, ever again. From now on I'm going Fecal Shedding.
  4. YouTube!! Funny story from a couple weekends ago. Took some boys camping to get them some exposure and teach them how to build a fire. One brought is own fire starter (striker) and had hell trying to get a spark from it. I let them struggle with it for 5 minutes, then gave some guidance on how to place tinder (high surface area) and to pull back the rod from the striker (not strike forward). They went at it for another 10 minutes knocking down the tinder since they wouldn't listen. I intervened and got a flame in 3-4 strike attempts. The oldest of the group stood up, looked around, and said "Wow, it's not near as easy as they show on YouTube". I told them to hold onto that nugget for the rest of their lives...
  5. Holy shit, you made me spit out my coffee. You bastard!! I bet you could've seen the whites of his eyes from a block away. I'm in no way condoning the presumed action here...but find it hilarious that people are "thinking" it in their heads. Gonna drive them crazy stewing over all of this. Until it happens, and they crack..only to find someone well armed on the other end of their plan.
  6. We are supposed to be going to Hawaii for Spring Break. It is a bucket list for the wife, so I will just go and kiss my ass goodbye while watching a great sunset. That reminds me...looking for good home for two German Shepherds. Parents parished in the Covid-19 Pandemic.
  7. Whoever came up with that idea should be fired tomorrow. It's one thing to raise prices and take advantage of consumers...but letting consumers fall on their own swords, that's profit.
  8. This is particularly relevant: https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/make-improvised-gas-mask/ I am prepared. **points to avatar**
  9. I sure as fuck wouldn't pay someone (the type of money that most OC's make) that would chose Hitler, of all the people in history, to have lunch with. Perception matters...I has no cry for that moron.
  10. Does it say when Chris Ash starts? I didn't see if the appointment is immediate, or if he is expected to coach the team for the bowl game?
  11. Fuck yes - EARN the right to wear Burnt Orange.
  12. I initially want to hit the "hate" feedback button, because this shit has made me an emotional mess and it feels like the correct emotion that come from stories like this (and recognition of what we all see in TH's behaviors manifesting themselves into a clusterfucked reality). That said, I don't mean that as a reflection on you...and I'm grateful for the contribution. Have some "thanks".
  13. So...I hope our new DC is watching this Bohanon kid closely. I am sitting here cringing about how he is going to rape us next year...
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