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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. You can sometimes think about it in a manner of how fractional reserve banking works. You deposit $$ in a bank. The bank is required to keep at least 10% of it in reserves. They can theoretically loan up to a maximum of 10x your $$. A healthy bank has a velocity of money in the range of 6-6.5x. Rapid changes in reserves cause massive changes on velocity in the short to medium run.
  2. I post during games when I can. I do have a 2.5 and 1.5 year old that I help bathe and put to bed. Plus BallySucks SW doesn’t work in my house. Typically I listen on the radio when we’re not viewable at the house.
  3. We’ve basically (as an office since Covid) gone completely to golf attire as office attire. Golf shirts, Game Guard shirts and pants. I’ve even bought the damn no see/barely see dress socks to wear with whatever shoe I’m wearing because regular dress socks aren’t comfortable to wear when it’s summer. I’m thankful for that.
  4. I'm not the one in here pounding my chest and my fists on the table bro
  5. It takes a strong enough low to make it happen. Very possibly won't, but a strong enough low will feed off a big high pressure system and become even stronger. Typically the only thing that gets rid of the dome is wobbling and weakening itself, or a massive low pressure system...like a hurricane.
  6. He has to prove his true fandom like Rocko posting paystubs and used corvette lease agreements.
  7. In other BlastFurnace news, WFAA in Dallas reporting that a USPS delivery person died today from a likely heat related illness. Uggh.
  8. Hurricanes tend to like the outflow winds from a high pressure system. Kinda feeds the leading edge of a storm quite nicely. Stronger the high, stronger the low.
  9. Correct. If you use vinegar, every other month or so is ok. Vinegar is cheap too, and won't eat away at the PVC glue like bleach will over time. I use about 1/4 gallon or so every 2 months.
  10. Vinegar. Use vinegar. This massive high pressure dome is gonna start looking like a black hole for these tropical systems in the Atlantic in a few days.
  11. The WUnderground station at Hewitt Elementary is showing 99/124 right now. Dew Point of 82
  12. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    He has to actually take the best 24 to camp, let alone put the best XI on the field for me to believe it. he hasn’t shown the ability to do that yet
  13. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    And played Shaq over Scally, made 80th minute subs, Gio ordeal…that’s just at the WC
  14. and poop knives for the inevitable repercussions of eating there.
  15. IF you didn't happen to luck into your football number in high school at least once, and steal that sumbitch, then you've never lived.
  16. We got right into the crux of that one trying to get to I35 to head to Dallas (via Chik-Fil-A for the kids). Sat in the drive through for 35 minutes getting pelted with hail, sideways Hurricane rain and winds, and lightning hitting all around us. Not fun.
  17. How many different ways they gonna spell that name in the article?
  18. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    This is going to go well
  19. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    You see one of Vic’s ladies in the wild?
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