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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smuggs

  1. Houma is about to get wiped. And there are a lot more people in that area than there were just 10 years ago.
  2. Wind is gonna be real bad for them also. If this thing slides 20 miles farther East that puts the eastern eyewall right on top of them. Absolute worst area of a Category 4 buzzsaw, the only silver lining is that it’s trucking at 15mph and will rip through and be gone quickly. Baton Rouge is in a real bad spot as well. Direct hit if it stays on its current path.
  3. That's too bad. Your mom on the other hand... relishes The Scorpions.
  4. That Pacer X is fuckin sweet.
  5. 4pm update. Sliding farther east. Keep going, you motherfucker.
  6. Y'all laugh. Next spring I plan to be the first man to climb Mt. Everest using corkscrew trampoline anchors.
  7. Noticed some dry rot in my straps, my reinforcements just came in @Hate:
  8. smuggs


    I'd have no problem with the band throwing this douche a bone if his parents indeed sold his image in a shitty one-time chump change deal 30 years ago. Like NGE said above, the child porn thing is ridiculous. GTFO with that.
  9. He missed multiple buildings, people, vehicles trees and power lines. That pilot deserves a Pacifico.
  10. The dude from Simply Red knows how to handle his roadies when they step out of line.
  11. Memorial and St. Pat's are the two largest hospitals in LC. Memorial ICU is 65% full and St. Pat's is 100%. Calcasieu Parish's vax rate is 31% (just 27% a month ago).
  12. Is she wearing a cup? That's cool if she is, being prepped for a possible falcon punch and all.
  13. Lake Charles, AKA Tropical Fast Ball Central, checking in. This town can't handle another one, not right now. For fuck's sake I hope this thing heads somewhere else.
  14. I wonder if this is just an issue with the build configurator. The blue rig with the Paw-Paw bumper isn't consistent with the pic of the red TRD premium right below it:
  15. Perhaps he was talking about Cole's starring role in the GrubHub Super Bowl spot.
  16. I once was a hardcore sweet relish hater but now I love it. It's hard to explain. The Scorpions said it best.
  17. Laila Ali could damn sure take me out. To a nice seafood dinner. AND NEVER CALL ME AGAIN!
  18. The insertion of gambling into this sordid tale is entertaining.
  19. I've been a lifelong BFG AT fan. Multiple sets across multiple trucks over the years. I ventured off a couple times to try Toyo and Cooper and that only reinforced my BFG love but the lead time was 3 weeks for my Jeep and I was impatient. These Nittos so far are superior. If the mileage holds up I don't see any reason to go back.
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