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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. I won't say the Rangers are charmed, but they often seem that way. Today, for instance.
  2. Oh, it did lose the game. Of that I'm pretty sure.
  3. Would it be untoward to DFA the heart and soul of the ballclub? I'm about ready to see.
  4. You know, I'm trying to convince myself the Dustmeister is just saving Diaz for a bigger AB in the 9th. Of course, I'm having no luck convincing myself of that.
  5. I wouldn't mind seeing one of them there just for the laughs at Helo's expense. Him having to root for their success would be rich.
  6. Many athletes and other performers idolized by the masses have huge egos. Who could have imagined? There are plenty of exceptions, but anyone whining that an active HOF pitcher is rather "high maintenance" is likely just looking for mud to sling.
  7. No Photoshop/AI. Actual move-in week for the minions on the Brazos:
  8. "They wanted interview...they got interview."
  9. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0inMZiqaFUHDRwBEq1au9gQYRTsQoSoUTheFjRxNskhtLspy3yMDeiNd7pJYYBi2fl&id=100069760127252&mibextid=I6gGtw
  10. Good thing several guys are picking up the slack for 44. Hopefully he's out of this funk before 2-3 others fall into their next one...there joining Pena, who apparently lives in one.
  11. Of course, we must factor in the price difference between a nice house in Austin vs. a reclaimed South Louisiana gator den.
  12. If we'd regularly fielded these lineups back then, we're all confident at least some of those pennants would be flying elsewhere.
  13. Whether as coaches or recruiters or simply "faces of the program," Charlie and Tom were paid WAY more than they were worth, only to hold us back at the worst possible time. As it turned out, UT's administrative ineptitude cost us about a decade, and that's on top of not booting Mack once he retired without leaving the sideline. I love what Sark has done so far to flush those lines and infuse our whole roster with better talent. We're prepping for a new era of glory. Even if our future teams don't live up to their full potential (few sports teams ever do), we finally are in position to forget those dismal years. It's high time we do.
  14. So it goes, I guess. One way better hitter than him crashed and burned in the 9th as well. No, Jake, not you.
  15. Sweet! Now to keep the circling bayou buzzards and others off the carcass for the next four months.
  16. Pena needs way more time in the cage than in the gym.
  17. A lineup we all agree on after two nights of solid offense can only mean we struggle to score 2 runs today. Hey, jk. We score at least 3.
  18. If Abreu had to pay me $1,000 for every slider he couldn't locate, I could foot the bill for Tucker's new contract.
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