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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Shit, I meant Paxton being Trump's AG. Abbott ain't getting shit because he's in a wheelchair and he's too stupid to understand that.
  2. That's pretty clear from the lack of public enthusiasm from Trump supporters - in 2020, they were like fucking Crossfitters or Navy SEALs - they would tell you their life story without you asking and they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, or in the case of MAGA, they had to have a sign or a sticker or that fucking hat displayed somewhere in their vehicle or on their property. Now it's odd to see MAGA signs.
  3. Watters is just looking for filler material and that whole thing seemed staged, but I'd like to know more about Mia Magick https://miamagik.com
  4. With this talk of Abbott being Trump's AG, Abbott has to be even more furious, and will be even shittier to Texans than he normally is. Trump ain't showing him any love.
  5. AI would try and load up Hallmark films with 9s and 10s instead of 6s, 7s, and 8s like Hallmark does. AI would not understand why the leads can't be stunningly beautiful actresses (and actors) that would normally be supermodels or bonafide movie stars, because it wouldn't understand who Hallmark's target audiences are. Sure, it can be fed a ton of data on what Hallmark's target audiences buy, post about, read, etc., but it's not going to understand that a movie about a single-mom with her kid, who has to move back to Buttfuck, Maine to take over her aunt's failing bakery, and who ends up falling in love with a local real estate developer who wants the building her aunt's bakery is in to turn it into hispster condos, has to focus on semi-attractive actors. Nor will AI understand how what appears to be a town of 500 people can somehow support a dozen bakeries, nor will it understand why the real estate developer went from wanting to gut the building and load it up with hipsters to all of the sudden finding himself working in the bakery to help renovate it and make it successful, even though he knows he's going to lose out on millions and/or be fired.
  6. I have a feeling an incel reposted something like that and Elmo saw it, liked it, and had an employee post it as being from Grok. Because it was written by a human, it was definitely not produced by Gronk.
  7. And yet I see more porn than ever on twitter, and it's constantly popping up in places it shouldn't (like my feed). "nudes in bio" is way too common of a response to many posts.
  8. We have put forward two especially important proposals for our Annual Meeting of Stockholders—and we need your vote. Protect your rights as stockholders & protect the value of your investment by voting FOR the ratification of the 2018 CEO Performance Award & FOR Reincorporating Tesla in Texas.
  9. We have such rockets launching out of Texas...and I would be okay with sacrificing a number of sea turtles and birds if somebody did it.
  10. We have 161 million registered voters in the US, so a poll of 1,600 people who have the time and are dumb enough to answer unknown phone calls (or emails) to base the whole country's political future on makes perfect sense these days.
  11. Or he (or some of this people) are afraid of being served papers there.
  12. With only 2 million active users, I'm surprised they made $770,000.
  13. https://steakandale.com You'll have to visit Minnesota starting in July, but they are supposed to be bringing one to Dallas/FW as well. And there's franchise opportunities. Anybody ever ponder how a Steak & Ale would do in Austin? Is there money in the wreath fund? https://legendaryrestaurantbrands.com
  14. I loved Astroworld but had some shitty experiences there - I was taking my mom and sister to a Jimmy Buffet concert there and some drunk asshole kept trying to make out with them. But loved getting dropped off there as a kid and being told to be back at the entrance at a certain time. I don't know if I'd want to drop my kids off at a large amusement park at the age I was being dropped off.
  15. Correct. The really nice private schools that some MAGA idiots think they will be able to get their kids with vouchers into still won't take their kids in, but will benefit financially. If you want your kid in a good private school, and your kid matches what that school wants, and you don't quite have enough money, there is financial aid/scholarships/whatever that can make it happen if that school wants your kid. With that said, many/most of these schools prefer parents who don't need vouchers, because parents who can afford it without government help probably have a little extra cash laying around that they will donate to those schools, or at the very least, there's no issue with the checks clearing. This is all about making a bunch of wealthy Republican donors even wealthier by ramping up a bunch of for-profit private schools that will probably pack the classrooms with a lot more kids-per-teacher than is good for education. And the rural counties are going to be turbo-fucked.
  16. People who are scared of "woke" whatever usually can't define "woke" when you ask them on the spot. And they usually overlap with the idiots who foam at the mouth over "CRT" even thought they typically can't define it either. These people get upset by things like this being taught in schools: https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/abouttx/secession/2feb1861.html because it shows that the Texas government of the 1850s/1860s was hell-bent on preserving slavery "in all future time": These morons try to tell you what our founding fathers or politicians from over a century-and-a-half-ago meant, but when you quote the actual writings of those politicians, the morons lose their shit and try to claim that they didn't really mean what they were writing down and signing and using a reason to do what they did in the 1860s.
  17. Shit, I thought this was going to be about some Marine changing the crayon supplier to a company whose crayons have an ingredient that no Marine would want to eat, thereby saving them millions in buying new crayons.
  18. It gets Paxton out of Texas though.
  19. At least Steak and Ale is coming back.
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