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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Like my kids watching the Spy Kids films and seeing all of the Austin landmarks. Yes. Sort of. They released it in arcades, but only about 140 arcade machines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloak_%26_Dagger_(video_game) A few years ago (2022 I think) it was released in the Atari 50 compilation or whatever for consoles/PCs, which was the first time it was legally available outside of owning the arcade machine.
  2. Dabney Wharton Coleman (January 3, 1932 – May 2024)[1] was an American actor. Coleman's best known films include 9 to 5 (1980), On Golden Pond (1981), Tootsie (1982), WarGames (1983), Cloak & Dagger (1984), The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984), The Beverly Hillbillies (1993), You've Got Mail(1998), Inspector Gadget (1999), Recess: School's Out (2001), Moonlight Mile (2002), and Rules Don't Apply (2016).[3 https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/dabney-coleman/ After attending the Virginia Military Institute for about two years, I enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin. My family had all gone there, and I majored in philosophy, history, and economics — one for each year. I finally opted for the Plan II program and then got into the law school. I did that for a year and a half, but I didn’t break any records. I don’t think I passed more than two courses because I didn’t go to class very often. I was too busy playing Ping-Pong at the Phi Delta Theta house and calling girls. I was still living in Austin when Zachary Scott, who was an old friend of my first wife’s, came over to our apartment for a drink. Believe it or not, I was smitten with becoming an actor just from that meeting. It sounds superficial — and I guess it is — but I’m very glad that it happened. The next day, I was on a plane to New York. Some of my favorite movies as a kid. I don't think he finished, but he went to the law school so I'm assuming he posted here.
  3. We really need to encourage the Musk fanbois to wear cowboy hats backwards. Make it easier to identify them (then again, they're like fucking crossfitters - they tell everybody they are Musk fanbois).
  4. The people who wanted Teslas have already bought them? And the people who own Teslas aren't buying a new car every year? And a lot of would-be owners are skittish about the prices dropping even more, turned off by Musk, etc.?
  5. Just so we are all clear: The guy who was killed was legally carrying and also a military veteran, and was technically the one standing his ground since the killer drove into the area. The guy who was killed was not texting underaged girls, but the killer was. The guy who was killed was not wanting to go to Dallas to "shoot some looters", but the killer was. The guy who was killed was not saying that it's ‘too bad we can’t get paid for hunting Muslims, but the killer was. Republicans have a weird fucking fetish about defending incredibly shitty people.
  6. @RDCanecutter and I disagree.
  7. Someday the authorities will start tracking everybody who was on board the various boats when drunks were falling out of them.
  8. So the Travis GOP chair will be available? Fitlump.....
  9. The rough math somebody did on the recent strikes 2x Mig-31 = 110 Mill Su-27 = 30 Mil Mig-29 = 12 Mil S-400 Radar + 2 TELs = 200+ Mil Total = 352+ Mil USD Not bad for about 10 ATACMS about to expire.
  10. CNN is saying three jets as well. This is all going to force Russia to continue to push their air support back, and these jets are not replaceable either. And with the refinery strikes, Russia will also have to redeploy even more anti-air from Ukraine back to Russia proper, which leaves Russian air assets in Crimea even more vulnerable. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/europe/ukraine-satellite-images-crimea-belbek-jets-destroyed-intl-hnk/index.html Satellite images exclusively obtained by CNN show three destroyed Russian jets and damaged buildings at Belbek airbase in occupied port city of Sevastopol on Wednesday. The hardware losses come after two days of attacks by the Ukrainians on Sevastopol in Crimea, which was illegally annexed by Russia in 2014. In images taken by US satellite imaging company BlackSky and space technology firm Maxar, two jets can be seen burned out on the main flight line at Belbek, in addition to a third parked on a protective embankment. The satellite images also show a destroyed building nearby and another which has taken significant damage. Jets Building:
  11. It's fucking stunning how the GQP has turned into such a complete clown show. It's like every week they try to find a new way to debase themselves and show how unfit they are to govern.
  12. https://altonbrown.com/recipes/smoky-tequila-sour/
  13. I don't know if I see a funnel (or if this is Cypress like it's claimed) But this kind of shit is evidence that something happened.
  14. Does attorney-client privilege mean nothing to you? This is the kind of stuff that will lead me to leaving a poor Yelp score for you.
  15. This is the kind of stuff that political analytics companies look at - not dumbass polls based on telephone respondents, where 6 people are used to make a claim that some number swung from 12% to 20%. This stuff is verifiable.
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