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Everything posted by qwertyu1234

  1. It's crazy to me that the gray haired chick who looks like death and who's posture on her sofa reminds me of the jaba the hut was legit hot when she was younger. Also, while i never liked her this is the first episode i FF through Robin's scenes.
  2. I wonder how many people who watched didn't get that the name of the tornado chasing group, storm front, is also the name of an infamous neo-nazi website.
  3. It's nice to see Megyn Price (the yo-yo'er) is still milftastic. And i've never flown on a private plane before, is adding up everybody's weight a thing people do?
  4. FYP It's pretty damn close when both are at their hottest imo
  5. Thirded and legit mad they didn't pick Watson with that pick. Watson is great, but Mahomes is better.
  6. Still a lateral move from Olivia Munn.
  7. Also, correct me if i'm wrong, was one of the early innovators of the Air Raid offense as Offensive Coordinator at Kentucky.
  8. You're forgetting Larry David's integral role as man with cape, because as you can imagine, it was a good cape day.
  9. I watched CNN today and the correspondent in Iran said a big issue the Iranians had is America getting out of the Iranian deal. Is the only reason Trump did that was because it was Obama's?
  10. Jerry Seinfeld should kiss Larry David's feet for help giving his career because Seinfeld's comedy is meh, he's not a great comedic actor and was the third best character on his own show (after Kramer and George).
  11. Are there any positive aspects of having him be the POTUS if you take out him not being Trump?
  12. 1. Jenny Lewis-On the line I saw her live and she was great, haven't gotten into any other 2019 albums but i'll check out some stuff you guys recommended in this thread.
  13. Little Giants was one of a handful of movies i loved growing up.
  14. As a bass guitarist, i love that bass line and vehemently disagree with this, but to each their own i guess.
  15. This isn't terribly profound, but in one of the flashbacks on the Sopranos Tony's dad tells him never to gamble and that's great advice (that Tony doesn't take and negatively effect a lot of lives on the show) that i still think about whenever i hear about gambling and why i don't.
  16. If one team dominates is it even a rivalry anymore? Also, Ohio State not using the word "m" seems very aggy-ish
  17. I almost added to the original post Fitter Happier by Radiohead but is that a legit song and not some self indulgent break between the first and second half of Ok Computer?
  18. Joe losethepopularvote-is I'm not proud of this one...
  19. I saw David Byrne/Annie Clarke live on the love this giant tour and it's was absolutely electric when they played burning down the house, also i remember a lot of people dancing even though it was a venue with no standing room only area /csb
  20. The ghost of you lingers, the second song on ga ga ga ga ga by Spoon is the only song i don't like, it's a tad slow and doesn't really go anywhere.
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