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Everything posted by qwertyu1234

  1. The one I'm excited about, especially since Annie Clarke said she's going to shift from the synth-y stuff.... https://consequenceofsound.net/2020/12/st-vincent-new-album-2021/
  2. This came out early in the year, but I just heard about her recently. It sounds like MIA, but better IMO.
  3. The actor who played Furio was blabbing about the plot of the show and that's why he left the show so abruptly.
  4. I've heard he was the writer's favorite because he had no filter.
  5. Chapter whatever: Are you dangerously underqualified and related to Trump? Well come on down as there's a place in this administration for you!
  6. The Mafia is a topic that really interests me and I've read a lot of books and watched a lot of documentaries and the "commission trial" was only partially successful as one of the five family bosses wasn't really the boss. It was like in the Sopranos when Tony was the real boss and Junior was boss in name only.
  7. While I respect their talent, I have absolutely no desire to listen to a song by a virtuoso guitar player like Vai, Satriani etc...
  8. They played against Kansas first game of the season, oh wait...
  9. The last season was the worst and by a lot, it used to be one of my favorite sitcoms of all time. I think the problem is the writing, will still watch though.
  10. What does partially mean in this case?
  11. One of the biggest themes of the Sopranos, at least to me, are the scores of ambiguous scenes. The most interesting one to me was if that cop really did kill Chris's dad or if it was just a ploy for Tony to get Christopher closer and more loyal to him.
  12. Off the top of my head i first heard Gomez, the Fruit Bats, Nick Drake, Elliot Smith and Jason Isbell here.
  13. Since gif talk not going away my second favorite after the Tech 'fuck that' chick, even if it's Yankees related:
  14. Anarchy and anal sex. That's my dream anyway.
  15. This piece of shit needs his comeuppance so very much.
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