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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. ^^ correct. It’s not poor grammar. It’s extraordinarily poor pronunciation.
  2. Filmed in the Theater District. There’s also Local Hero. Mostly filmed in Scotland but several cool scenes of Chase Tower. And it’s an awesome movie.
  3. This. There’s another Houston that many people don’t really know about.
  4. Sissy is a cheating whore and Pam is, at worst, a home wrecker.
  5. Loved it when Bud beats the shit out of Scott Glenn and the money goes flying like the old OU QB gif.
  6. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    https://medi-dyne.com/products/prostretch-original-single?variant=11015995523115&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&keyword_session_id=vt~adwords%7Ckt~%7Cmt~%7Cta~481010033188&_vsrefdom=wordstream&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpJLyrtvJ7gIVD-PACh2tIwQDEAQYASABEgLRBfD_BwE This stretching device worked for me. I also use Dr. Scholl’s heel inserts in my shoes. It just took a week or so and no running/tennis/golf and I haven’t had a problem since.
  7. That's interesting. I just saw the list of quotes on rottentomatoes linked by Kyrie (still love that ass in the avatar) and the quote re: erroneous quotes. When did Patton say that in the film? Here's a transcript of the screenplay: https://subslikescript.com/movie/Patton-66206. That quote does not appear.
  8. Again, at least with my quote, I included the last part of the soliloquy that Patton, as a narrator, gives in the last scene of the film. You saw the ending, right? Patton’s telling of the famous Roman parade tradition is perhaps the most important part of the film. If you are saying that a quote has to a part of a conversation vs a narration, then ok, I guess.
  9. Wat? Not giving the entire sentence is not grievously erroneous.
  10. The double tap at the end could have been the cops firing Tuttle’s gun a la Russell Crowe in LA Confidential except that dude deserved it.
  11. I recall that as well. The truth needs to come out. Duh.
  12. I still want to know why Tuttle was targeted. Was it the wrong house? Hope it comes out.
  13. I still want to know why Tuttle was targeted. Was it the wrong house? Hope it comes out.
  14. It would be nice, but it’s 1.5 hours from Houston. It’s in the middle of nowhere. Huntsville is fairly close but there only so many Hotel 6’s. The prison would make for a nice background story on the Golf Channel.
  15. Great thread topic. So hard to pick. For me it’s a tie among Born to Run, Hey Jude, and Let it Be.
  16. This right here. I guess the queue can be part of the overall experience if that’s what you want. It’s just not for me. 15 min is about as long as I can wait.
  17. I did Dry Monday (January 4) this year. It worked out just fine.
  18. My brother worked in Germany for over a year in the late 90’s and I asked him how most Germans viewed the war and Nazism. He said the common view was that Hitler and his cronies were evil and crazy but that Germans are still better than everyone else.
  19. I saw those episodes and the entire series in the last couple of weeks. My view has remain unchanged. War is hell. Regretting not serving in the military is not the same as hoping to engage in a desperate battle.
  20. Yep. Many evil assholes took out their political views on the war against the returning Viet Nam vets, many of whom had no choice. A shameful time in our history.
  21. Growing up my Dad (and therefore I) couldn’t stand Nicklaus. We loved Arnold Palmer for his blue collar roots. Nicklaus was considered too cocky. I didn’t like Tiger until recently because he was too cocky. I love stories of redemption and now I’d like to see Tiger come back and break Nicklaus’s record.
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