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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. So if I’m Peter’s boss there’s no way I let him fly paying passengers around the country. Not that there’s much flying going on now.
  2. My club is closed. I played Wildcat last Sunday but everything in Houston is shut down now. Memorial Park Golf Course was open until yesterday. I got an email this morning that Teravista in Round Rock will remain open. One person per cart, but you are encouraged to walk. I walk and carry my bag about 80% of the time so I would have no problem with that. They also have other reasonable restrictions in place. Good for them for remaining open. If I lived nearby I’d look into it.
  3. PSA. Kroger has packer choice briskets for 1.99 per pound.
  4. Kroger has packer choice briskets for $1.99 on sale. One will be smoked this weekend. Edit: wrong thread. And no bourbon yet!
  5. It was disclosed and I’m pretty sure it can be waived if it is an actual conflict. Practically, I can’t see a client continuing to use Kim no matter how good they think she is. Kevin is sort of an idiot so I suppose it makes sense. My clients would switch counsel immediately and probably smell a rat. Keep in mind that the old fart had been in litigation and lost. So he must have had counsel and Jimmy’s late entry to the party would look very suspicious.
  6. The tragedy for Kim is that she’s a pretty good lawyer. She’s throwing it all away or so it seems. And for Jimmy?
  7. 1775 Patrick Henry proclaims "Give me liberty or give me death" in speech in favour of Virginian troops joining US Revolutionary war 1839 1st recorded use of "OK" [oll korrect] (Boston's Morning Post) 1917 Tornadoes kills 211 over 4 days in Midwest US 1933 Enabling Act: German Reichstag grants Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers 1966 1st official meeting after 400 years of Catholic & Anglican Church
  8. 1622 First American Indian (Powhatan) massacre of Europeans in Jamestown Virginia, 347 killed 1903 Niagera Falls runs out of water because of a drought 1933 FDR makes wine & beer with up to 3.2% alcohol legal 2011 Lawrence Taylor pleads guilty for misdemeanors of sexual misconduct and is sentenced to six years probation
  9. My wife will take her chances on that one.
  10. Well, my game has been questionable. I’m more of a golfer these days. If you are thinking about the virus concern, unless you are doing those childish Bryan Bros. chest pumps, you can easily stay very far away from your opponent or doubles partner.
  11. Hopefully it’s a steer, not a cow. I wouldn’t get a brisket cut unless you really love roast beef.
  12. Same rules here. Tennis is open as well.
  13. My club is opening the course tomorrow but no food and beverage service and the bar is closed. We can keep a safe distance from each other while carrying our bags. Memorial Park GC and the tennis center has been open all week. My wife played there earlier in the week.
  14. Kim is an idiot. I know her role is to show how Jimmy/Saul corrupted her, but siding with an old ornery asshole legally in the wrong and violating several ethical codes in the process just makes her look like a fool.
  15. I'm just glad I get to fund my 401k/Keogh plan in the next 30 days--that's when our firm does it. It will be invested in several different TR Price funds.
  16. The problem is that my crystal ball is broken. You can never know when the bottom or the top is. When it rebounds when do you get back in? Last year I was up 30%. Many people I know were saying 2019 would be a down year with some predictions of recession. Indeed, the last economic news of a couple of weeks ago was fabulous before the virus panic. So if i had been out of the market last year i would not have had that gain. There’s a huge risk for being out of the market. You miss a couple of huge 5-8% up days and you’ve lost a great opportunity. So I just let it ride and it’s worked out very well. One can say this time is different. They say that every time. This too shall pass.
  17. Not sure how many bear markets and crashes I’ve been through in my professional career that started in 1984, but it’s been several. I’ve yet to sell any stock or mutual fund during a downturn or near a high. I don’t see any reason to change my strategy now. I’m around 10 years away from retirement age.
  18. I heard DCC is closed for the rest of March.
  19. You are one of the lucky ones that played through it. Mine, and many others I know, was so severe there was no way I could play through it. I couldn't even shake a hand or turn a door knob. I was out of tennis for around 20 months and during that time as I thought it was getting better I would hit a few and pretty much had to immediately stop. That said, you have a good point. A light grip, the right racquet and strings do make a difference. When I was coming back to tennis my old racquet had way too much vibration. When I was pain free, I settled on the Prince EXO3 and the Volkl V1 Classic. They are old designs, but they still play well. The new Volkl's are supposed to be arm-friendly as well. Just stay away from the Babolat's with poly strings. They are evil. Everyone wants to play like Nadal . . .
  20. Nonsense. This is way overblown. The virus has been in this country for at least two months. Yet only around 40 deaths so far and most of those are from one facility in Wash. State. No one under 50 in this country has died from this thing so far. The Masters and pretty much everyone in the country is in a mass hysteria.
  21. Assuming they play it before the Ryder Cup the Bermuda grass will be fine. It will not be the dark green we are used to—Bermuda just isn’t that dark, but it will be fine from a player’s perspective.
  22. The rest of the HLSR has been cancelled.
  23. Try the latest Ping, TM and Titleist drivers. They all have a different feel and sound. More importantly, find out which shaft works best for you. IMO, the right shaft is everything. Make sure you are tested on a Trackman or other good tracker that looks at spin rate, ball speed, distance, roll, etc.
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