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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. BrickHorn

    Texas Primaries

    Done. Those three and Haley each got 3 votes from our little group of Soros funded commie sympathizers today. I also took the opportunity to cast “No” votes on various jingoistic GOP propositions, such as “Should the Texas Constitution be amended so that it is required to be etched onto police batons for use in beating illegal immigrants?” and “Should the Texas Constitution be amended to require each Mexican citizen to be wrapped in razor wire?” All in all, it felt very dirty. But I reminded myself that my ballot is a middle finger to fascists, which may be the best we Texans can do at this point.
  2. BrickHorn

    Texas Primaries

    Yeah that’s a real ray of fucking sunshine.
  3. BrickHorn

    Texas Primaries

    Aside from promising to be tougher on violent criminals, has Sylestine explained his position on non-violent offenses (e.g., minor drug possession, etc.)?
  4. BrickHorn

    Texas Primaries

    Let’s say a strategic-minded leftist is considering voting for Haley in the primary. Which other R candidates in TX / Travis County would be worth an anti-MAGA protest vote?
  5. Warming up for Open Mic Poetry Night?
  6. Yeah wtf. Fascists are fascists. Their particular race or religion has zero to do with it.
  7. No, that was not my intent at all.
  8. “Gimme that, it’s MINE!” ~ Jesus Christ
  9. I don’t know exactly but, whatever the number is, they hit it in 1948.
  10. Engaging in double think and praising Big Brother.
  11. If he weren’t running for President, I might actually root for Trump. He’s conning a bunch of stupid greedy assholes who deserve to be fleeced.
  12. The amazing thing is that each of those endless permutations is the one and only True Religion.
  13. Is that the one where Tim Conway walks around on his knees pretending to command an artillery unit?
  14. That guy should have responded: ”Our apologies, Aubrey. We mistakenly believed you were an undocumented immigrant. As a US citizen, you are only allowed one vote. To avoid an arrest for voter fraud, please mail any extra ballots you have to the Soros field office in Eagle Pass, Texas.”
  15. “This reasonable gun regulation would deny Americans the time-honored ignorance defense,” notes moron.
  16. Texas has done this in the most counterproductive (and most Texas) way possible. Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC are widely available and completely unregulated here. There is a proportional weight limit, but I don’t think there’s an absolute amount limit per serving. And you can buy that shit anywhere, including shady independent businesses whose employees are more likely to sell to minors compared to the regulated dispensaries that operate in legal states. So weed is nominally illegal here. But it’s functionally far more available, especially to children. Which is completely fucked up.
  17. BrickHorn


    What is the psychoactive ingredient in those? The manufacturer claims they do not include any THC, psilocybin, or even CBD.
  18. A utilitarian approach is more likely to convince the CCP than is “the creator said so” or “Mother Nature decrees.”
  19. “I have a natural right to life,” insists person doomed to die in accordance with natural law.
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