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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigHorn'13

  1. This is all you had to say and I would mostly agreed with you. I still think they can exist but with hefty regulations in place (something I'm not sure the government nor the people want to do. Thus, for banning them.) Even the stupid exotic shit that most of the populous doesn't consume. Other wet markets exist around the world but haven't (yet) caused anything like this. Why is China exempt and why should they get to continue to participate in a global economy that necessitates the same type of governance everyone else abides by? I must've dipped into my premium stash just now by accident. You don't think that's the primary issue? What started this whole shebang? What action did I specifically partake in that I'm not claiming responsibility for? And I'm sure China's response was better than ours for the same reasons you and everyone else has outlined. There's no denying it. Maybe we're having a chicken- or- the- egg kinda debate but from my eyes, that shouldn't be the case. Both can and are true and this is what I was referring to by letting Republicans own the China narrative. No debate from me except how mischaracterize you've made me out to be. I don't want to shift any blame, just want the whole problem to be examined*. It's troublesome to me that the majority of people who are saying the same things I am are red asses and white nationalist. Fuck trump and the Chinese government. Both need to face the music for this. *And again, the issue with China isn't something to be dealt with right now. Our response and everything else you're harping on is the top priorities. We should, however, also keep in the back of our minds how this virus (and others this millennium) originated and take actions to prevent another one from happening.
  2. You'll have to explain to me what your analogy has to do with my argument. Sorry, not trying to be an ass. To your next point, we're going to continue to allow these viruses just because the Chinese government is what it is? Fuck that. And it's even more so not their fault because dotard is in the driver's seat? Double fuck that. Their country has become more modernized than they or we acknowledge. We can demand that they put regulations in place to help at least pretend to stop this from happening again and again without infringing their culture or affecting our health. Lastly, I don't pretend to know everything about the tariffs in place so you'll have to forgive my ignorance here. Regardless of what is done, it has to be an international effort. China can't be allowed to participate in a global economy it can so easily bring down. I don't think I'm talking that crazy here... Your analogy is lost upon me as to how it relates but allow me to try one out. Should the Russians or the head nuclear physicist be responsible for what happened in Chernobyl? Sure, ol boy fucked himself into a corner early and often and then doubled down on every mistake he made (like a certain someone else.) But it was the Russian government that created the toxic environment in the first place and then did its best to cover it up. We can agree that trump is a POS and has put us in a much worse position than we should be in. Hopefully his actions have consequences come November. Why can't we also agree the Chinese government has a big role in this and should be held accountable?
  3. Obama exposed just how far we've really come as it pertains to race. Sadly, we haven't come anywhere as close as we think we have.
  4. The biggest mistake Democrats are doing is allowing trumpkins to claim this narrative and twisting it to their benefit. Democrats can't see past their hatred for trump, or his clusterfuck of a response to all this, but the Chinese government needs to pay for this. This is, what, the 3rd novel virus to originate from exotic wet markets in 20 years? Now obviously isn't the time to start pointing fingers but I really hope when the dust settles, sanctions/ tariffs are applied until this shit stops. Peoples health and the global economy shouldn't have to be gravely endangered because one country won't properly regulate markets.
  5. BigHorn'13


    Couldn't tell you but if it's real (or even if it's not, doesn't matter) than that's some shitty handling.
  6. Need one of these to commemorate this
  7. Well, we know it wasn't the rona since they somehow dodged this mess despite being right next door to the host's country. Gotta be all that poo he doesn't poop.
  8. Someone is holding on to a grudge. I'd like to clap for the former oink oink if I wasn't certain his outlook on LE was a complete 180 while employed.
  9. BigHorn'13


    You have to talk shit about them first. Or so I've been told...
  10. I liken it towards the old "attitude" of being dumb is cool and smart isn't. Only problem is that in the information age, you can try that persona but get blasted online for it. What's odd to me is Cornyn and his ilk speak to generalizations of the scientific community instead of criticizing individual studies and reports. To the same point, I had a professor at UT (can't think of the name but he teaches the course on lying and deception) make a declaration on the first day of class that, "y'all know climate change is real, right? Anyone in here a doubter? No? Ok, good." (paraphrasing) Of course no one's going to challenge you on the first day, dumbass, and the whole point of coming to college is to learn why things are true. Ask what are some claims we've heard and speak to their falsehoods. If I wanted to be told the "truth" and believe it as so, I would've went to aggy.
  11. BigHorn'13


    Can't get enough of these and no fucks given if I go to hell for it... hi
  12. What in the Mississippi fuck is going on here? Not only fucking our country over but its own citizens are advocating that this fucking continue? Please, someone explain it better to me than "Honduras and Myanmar will be in better position to help us when/if the SECOND wave comes back around" and "deploying unused resources to areas that actually need them" What about right now? Is it really that short sighted to say that if all these hospitals are running out of the very supplies we're sending right out the door, we should probably, you know, stop doing that? Amid all the chaos and life altering decisions being made, this seems like the easiest call to make. What am I missing?
  13. Holy shit I don't think I've ever repped that many posts in a row. Ramjet would've already gotten us out of this whole Corona situation if not for his addiction to creating obscene visuals... and I still thank you for your service!
  14. BigHorn'13


    You're not going to find what you need. Get a dugout. In the 10 years I've been using one, it's plenty stealthy, doesn't make you stink (it'll stink itself but just leave it in your ride)and they're cheap. Just make sure you get a ceramic one and not metal. Also, reading about everyone's stashes makes me realize I probably smoke too much. Already ran through what I posted for the most part, so I got an ounce of blue dream and BlackBerry cream coming my way soon. Sorry NOLA, if you were closer I'd hook it up.
  15. Quite possibly the strongest username to post ratio this site has seen yet. Bravo, sir!
  16. I'm well aware how serious this thing is, but, y'all just gonna let the name of that member go unpunished?
  17. BigHorn'13


    That's what I meant by illegal states
  18. BigHorn'13


    All I know is that cartridges (in illegal states) is taking a roll of the dice. Too many counterfeits and straight bunk shit out here to chance it for me anymore. Plus with all the advancements in weed, it's never been more delicious and beautiful so I don't really have a want to vape. What we really need is for this to be legalized at the federal level and all these problems get minimized. Most of you like vaping because of the stealth it provides and ease of use. Legalizing it would not only give users a right to consumption but also implement standards through regulation.
  19. 1 more time for the people in the back. Y'all sound like a bunch of sick mother fuckers
  20. BigHorn'13


    Just re-upped on 3 oz. Wedding cake, sunset sherbet and black runtz. That runtz looks crazy and wished my camera could convey the close up properly... What a time to be alive... Hi
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