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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. I need fatty to tell me what a stag-15 is and why it's the wrong choice for a mass shooting.
  2. Just landed in Inverness, saw this and had to get it.
  3. It's performance art. This installation is called "sooey" and is highlighting how Jack Smith is going to give a Deliverance style fucking to the orange clown.
  4. Hannity got a bit flustered there. Newsom is making a compelling argument to be the fighter and communicator the Dems need moving forward.
  5. Some billion dollar companies don't understand digital security in general. It's something that most people put a willful blind eye to because it's all too complex. And government has a tendency to lag behind in adoption due to those misunderstandings or cost concerns.
  6. The whole email server thing is not Hillary issue, it's a full government one. That practice started with Powell and Bush, was never made explicitly illegal, so has become a standard practice (which I think is wrong). Time to move on from that.
  7. Well, the orange idiot did keep an unsecure cell phone in his pocket all thru his Presidency. Any government with decent technical capabilities can get into the mic/cam. Probably not what happened in this instance but he obviously didn't care about being discrete with anything, let alone national security information.
  8. Is the question whether or not Surly is just another safe space echo-chamber for those that want to live in their alternate reality, devoid of any information that challenges their world view and fee-fees?
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