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Everything posted by Footballpants

  1. It is true Sark fucks venables and stoops are mere Cucks I enjoy corn dogs
  2. The last time they played ACL was 2015. Hard to believe.
  3. Yup. Just lost power in 78746. Lovely.
  4. The "he's hurt" answer is a bit of a smoke-screen. I have it on good authority that's he nowhere near ready from a mental perspective and is far behind Wright in terms of maturity and understanding the offense. Wright is QB3.
  5. Oh buttercup, reading comprehension isn’t a strength is it? I’m not betting on a win. What I am betting on is a gritty, determined performance by The Horns. DMO, Bijan, Rojo, Jwhitt, Tsweat, etc are prideful players. They ride for the brand. This will be a game. We will be in it. That’s the bet hoss.
  6. I’ve been to several 11 am Texas OU games that would qualify.
  7. In. Horns + points, name the bet. I draw the line at fisting.
  8. Holy fuck this site is pussified this morning. Y'all act like the Alabama football team is some conglomeration of mutant cyborg football robot assassins. Guess what, their players put on their pants one leg at a time. What's more, Nick Saban is an old, senile fuck and his OC is fully regarded. This is gonna be a game - mark my words. Take the Horns and the points! Also, all you gaping vaginas do the rest of us favor and stay home next Saturday. I don't give a shit if it's an 11 am game - get up early, get the bloodies rolling, and be ready to bring the noise. Hallelujah...holy shit!
  9. Thank you Sark. You have cured this site of the aids.
  10. Not a drop thus far in the ‘46. Think I’ll take the convertible Bentley for a spin around the 360 HEB Parking lot and ogle some Westlake MILFs.
  11. Fuck the off-season. That is all.
  12. Should have an announcement in the next two weeks. Stevie Nicks is a virtual lock. Spoon looks fairly certain as well.
  13. Pearl Jam is hitting OKC and Denver in late September. They’ll be in the vicinity with no conflicting dates and haven’t played ACL since 2016. That would work.
  14. Appetite for Destruction is one of the best hard rock / metal albums of all time. Those songs share nothing with the garbage Poison, Warrant, Whitesnake and their ilk put out in the 80’s. Now back to ACL 2020 talk…I would love to see LCD Soundsystem. They were so fucking good back in 2016.
  15. We're about a month away from the ACL Fest Lineup drop in early May. It seems like every band in the world is out on tour right now, so who you got coming to the ATX this October? Potential Headliners...Stevie Nicks, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dua Lipa, Aerosmith, Halsey, and Nine Inch Nails keep popping up in the rumor mill. I would love to see Billy Strings, Whiskey Meyers, Khruangbin, and War on Drugs on the bill, and their tours seem to line-up nicely with a stop at ACL.
  16. I have friends in the Carbon/Kokomo/Gorman area. Apparently Carbon is gone for all intents and purposes. Please consider donating to the Texas Big Country Chapter of the Red Cross.
  17. Did they say why they’re making this change? I mean, it’s obviously revenue optimization but wondering what the spin is?
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