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honolulu horn

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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. My parents passed away long ago, but my in-laws are pretty awesome. FIL grew up growing some wheat and mostly dirt on farm in Kansas and eventually became an international pilot for one of the big three American carriers. MIL beat cancer and is the rock of the family. They are always there for their kids and grandkids. Still it's weird to see them age. When my wife causally mentioned that our daughter asked us for money for the school's book fair, FIL just said "That's because y'all don't go to church enough." Uhhhh....
  2. Superhero is right, his friend is too nice. He's too nice to tell Superhero to fuck off and stop riding him for not attending some bullshit church event.
  3. A few years ago I learned that at South African rugby games, they have people delivering donuts to the crowd. Next level.
  4. I walked past a dry cleaners at 3am, and the sign read "Sorry, we're closed." You don't have to be sorry. It's 3am, and you're a dry cleaners. It would be ridiculous for me to expect you to be open.
  5. I'm not sure if you're serious, but Hinckley was locked in a psychiatric hospital for 37 years prior to his release. Not exactly scot-free. And his delusions about Jodie Foster have been in long-standing remission. He's actually been psychiatrically stable for many years. He simply shot the wrong guy. If he had shot anyone but the president, he would've been released decades ago. I'm not a Hinckley apologist or anything, but I do like to correct misinformation about mental illness when I see it. Carry on with the critique of Donald, though, because that guy actually is irremediably mentally ill.
  6. I think acid *may* have contributed to them seeing whales breeching all around them.
  7. Good. Surfing sucks. Don't try it. That goes for everybody.
  8. I am nervous about sharks too, but what are you gonna do, just not surf? I don't think so.
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