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Judge Roybeanbag

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Everything posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. We’ve gone full circle from the Pulitzer Prize to the Putzes and hangers on…
  2. So basically, I’m looking at $2k per housing, plus $1.5 to $2k for health insurance, so I had better have an income of more than $50k to even survive. Got it.
  3. So property tax plus homeowners insurance plus maintenance, renting might actually be an option in the future. There’s a ton of affordable rentals in Austin, right?
  4. The new menu at Trump resorts is gonna be lit. No more deconstructed burgers, we got TacoPinas, Fried Calimari and Fried Calimari Jr. All pulled fresh from a hole in the ground off Baja California!
  5. I started off just Driving Miss Daisy, but damn!
  6. Good luck, man. My brother (in law but I consider him my brother) has made it 15 years after diagnosis and although it hasn’t all been butterflies and roses, he’s still in decent shape and going about life, age 70.
  7. I got a kick out of Lionel Richie doing the whole coronation thing. I like Lionel, but I think Tracy Chapman would have been more apropos. You got a fast car Is it fast enough so we can fly away? We gotta make a decision Leave tonight or live and die this way
  8. There’s a grain of truth in every pound of propaganda. If you taste it you will likely choke on it.
  9. The earth is round. The earth is flat. Two vastly different takes. The truth is not somewhere in between, one viewpoint is full of bullshit and lies.
  10. I’m still perplexed how the dumbasses of Texas can elect republicans to run everything for 30 years and still scream about how everything about government is broken. Actually I’m not. I’m just wishing they would get on with gods grand plan.
  11. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brokered-cd.asp I’m lazy.
  12. I have an option to purchase these in my Vanguard Roth. I read up on the pros and cons, but I would hold these until maturity. Any reason not to get~5%?
  13. minute: NMHC NOx CO 2011 Ford Raptor 0.005 0.005 0.276 2012 Fiat 500 0.016 0.010 0.192 Ryobi 4-stroke leaf blower 0.182 0.031 3.714 Echo 2-stroke leaf blower 1.495 0.010 6.445
  14. Haha, I let my 2.5 year old grandson use my battery powered leaf blower to clean off the sidewalks and driveway after I mow. I keep one hand on him and one hand on the leaf blower, he works pretty well as a shield against the angry neighbors, dog walkers who shit in my yard, and homeless package thieves.
  15. Doesn’t matter, best we just bust a bunch of messicans and negroes. That should get the poll numbers up.
  16. They just retracted the text lol.
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