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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. Oh I know, he well over threw him to the 4 DBs playing with their dicks behind him..
  2. It was in quad... um.. I mean it was just 4 Clemson DBs... so it wasn't even really coverage.
  3. "He wasn't much to look at, and he knew it. He had a simple life, extremely white home, a hot mom and a serviceable girlfriend." He wasn't going to change the world and he knew it. So he followed his meat passions and he followed them with a dedicated focus few men knew in life. The outside world didn't get it, but the meat judging groupies did and isn't that more important? He was a meat judging champion, maybe the best ever. It wasn't a lot in the bigger scheme, but it was his, and he knew it. "Come at me bro!"
  4. I'm really trying to give a shit, but the on field production isn't helping much.
  5. Not only that, but we will have won't the Big 12, beaten the SEC, Pac and B1G champs in a single season. I'm fairly certain that's never been accomplished prior either.
  6. Pay no mind to that idiot and his made up numbers. They're so ridiculous it's pointless to even respond. I mean seriously, 29,743 and 38,657 is just obtuse.
  7. Penix is definitely better under pressure that Quinn has been this year. I'd honestly say Quinn's response under pressure and recent (post Houston) contact concerns are really his weak point. That and his longer ball.
  8. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?
  9. https://www.footballzebras.com/2023/12/2023-24-bowl-officiating-assignments/
  10. B1G for Sugar ACC for National Championship Michigan and Bama lucked out with the cluster fuck that is Big 12 officiating.
  11. It's always a 1:00 request for arrival and a 2-2:30 time for sitting and eating. Now, to be fair my BIL and sister always host (small cellular family), but this meal time makes no sense. I'm grateful for the good food and relatively calm gathering (see this thread), however, that means I'm hungry again at 9-10 pm. I'm fucking old, I can't be eating at bed time. Now get off my lawn and continue with the real problems I clearly don't face.
  12. You forgot to cross thread that with the fact that Texas used its gubment, media and lawyer power to force the SEC to take them. So, agg gets more TV views in Texas, Texas gets selected to the CFP due to TV demand, and the SEC was bullied by lawyers, gubment and actors into letting Texas (and OUsux) in.. nothing confusing about that at all. Bro, do you even aggy?
  13. And that's the image you decide upon. I mean I see your perspective on this choice, but agree to disagree. And um.. used too?!?! You're dead to me.
  14. This is a big part of it. Too many bowl games. It's hard to give a fuck about 2 no name .500 teams playing in the Milwaukee Crabs Fest Culligan Shitter Bowl sponsored by Whores-R-Us
  15. Damn, just reminded me I'm running out of time. Pulp Fiction is one of my once a year movies I have stashed on an SSD. 2001 a Space Odyssey, The Fifth Element, Blade Runner directors cut and Apocalypse Now are in there as well but already watched. That is a very good list man! I'd add Road Warrior (original) and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. But... yeah.
  16. I was at that game with my father. Last one we got to attend together.
  17. There is a 100% chance of black hole implosion or coke & Molly super model sex level euphoria on this very board by 2 minutes in.
  18. "On paper" I think we match up better against Bama, but I concur about not wanting a re-match no matter how good their QB isn't. Also, I want to have beaten all the P5 champs. Finally, agreed, as a college football fan, re-matches suck.
  19. Fair, but if you want something supernatural I'd suggest Ghostly Coach Staff over someone who owns a Bitchin Camaro.
  20. Slow your roll motherfucker, word choice matters.
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