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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. I can’t remember one that was more satisfying than that.
  2. Radio guys trying hard to toe the company line.
  3. Me too. Started in 84. Missed 89. I will add that Saturday was the first time I did not spend the night in Dallas after the game. I Ubered back to the Gaylord, grabbed my shit, and drove back to Houston.
  4. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Go fuck yourself Art. We definitely need a “crying Jordan of police chiefs” meme.
  5. Ed Clements is a waste of space at these things.
  6. Pressly isn’t going to be available tomorrow.
  7. I shouldn’t be as nervous as I am.
  8. Dusty “I drink out of shoes” Baker still rocking the surgical gloves.
  9. Nice job Probst. You saved JD.
  10. He’s one of the worst. He needs to go.
  11. So a guy out on $150k capital murder bond killed an old lady at a McDonalds last week. No big deal https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/10/06/man-charged-in-connection-with-murder-of-71-year-old-woman-who-was-robbed-run-over-at-east-harris-county-restaurant/
  12. I’ve been hard on Correa over the years but we need to nut up and keep him.
  13. You don’t need Dean Blandino for that one.
  14. Me too. They jump out at you.
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