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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. Ok no more of that. Let’s fucking go.
  2. Would I be stupid to just build my car online and just have it delivered to the dealer?
  3. Quickly becoming one of my favorites.
  4. Yeah, we are fucked. Should still at least TRY.
  5. The fact that Texas is dominating in renewable energy, yet our government has one of the most antithetical stances towards it is maybe the best example of what has become of the Republican Party today. Everything you believe in isn’t real.
  6. Let’s not forget unleaded gas wasn’t a thing until the 1970s and wasn’t completely phased out until 1996. The people running this country and a huge portion of active voters very likely inhaled lead for the majority of their formative years. May explain why we are where we are.
  7. Been a while for my boys, so here’s Biff and Finn.
  8. I learned the hard way that when you do a google image search for “get fucked” without safe search on, you don’t get the Simon pegg gif you’re looking for. Plenty of other peg gifs though.
  9. I don’t get it. I don’t fucking get it.
  10. I agree, but don't know how to convince other Dems in my life that are BIG MAD about Biden running again.
  11. I've been saying this as well. As far as the Amazon, I think it's the only real solution. Pay these people to protect the lungs of the earth.
  12. I found a way we can get Griffey and Bonds in the same outfield and it really wouldn't cost that much.
  13. I feel like the simulation is glitching and it’s being directed just at Surly.
  14. I just don’t see why it matters if he is good at the job, which he clearly is. Are they just afraid of him dying in office?
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