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Storm the Field

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Everything posted by Storm the Field

  1. Lotta pitches in that inning. Rangers fouled off 9.
  2. Tomball/Spring area right? You should have plenty more coming in from the Northwest in about an hour. Porjected radar at 8:15.
  3. Weather report from the GOOF in Houston. Darkest, thickest clouds I've seen in a long ass time. Pulled into my driveway about 20 seconds before the bottom dropped out.
  4. Not to defend Dusty's incomprehensible lineup, but we're facing fucking Glen Otto tonight, he of the 5.31 ERA/74 ERA+. An all-Space Cowboys lineup should be capable of getting enough runs to support JV.
  5. That's #71. JV vs Otto tomorrow should definitely be #72.
  6. I mean, we shouldn't need any insurance up 2 with 7-8-9 coming up, but I'd like some anyways.
  7. Welp, the Shepherd/Durham overhaul is fully underway in the Heights. Currently down to 2 lanes between 15th and 20th. Will eventually replace all underground infrastructure, widen sidewalks, convert from 4 narrow lanes to 3 wide lanes and fully re-pave all the way from 10 to 610. Project is broken up into multiple sub-phases, each with an estimated 12-14 months for completion. I'll take the over. They've been working on the portion of Shepherd from Memorial to Washington for a good year and a half now and still appear to have a ways left to go. Phase 1A: 15th to 20th, estimated completion summer 2023. Phase 1B: 20th to 24th. Phase 1C: 24th to 610. Phase 2 will cover 14th to I-10, but probably won't get underway until 2025 or so and will be broken up into segments like phase 1. Between this and the 11th street project, driving around the Heights is gonna suck for a good chunk of this decade.
  8. You mean to tell me if I'm suspected of violating federal law, the FBI can apply for a warrant to search my house?!??!?!?!?!
  9. Haven't done much with it yet. Went on vacation like the day after I got it and haven't grabbed any games yet. Considering I already played Forbidden West on PS4, I'm not in a huge hurry to play it again on PS5, will probably do so sometime next year. I should have some free time this coming weekend to find something I really want to play. Really, I just wanted to go ahead and get my hands on one. Was getting tired of following the various PS5-finder Twitter accounts, checking retailer's daily....etc. I usually stock up on games during Black Friday sales.
  10. Hah, of course, after 6+ months on the waiting list, I got invited on Friday to buy this same bundle on Amazon. Didn't even notice until this morning, when I got a follow-up email informing me my invitation had expired. If I was still looking and that had happened, I'd probably be in jail right now.
  11. A weekend with some light rain and steady cloud cover made for an almost-pleasant Sunday in Houston. Jumped in the pool yesterday evening and the water temp was only 87 (down from the usual 90) and there was a halfway-decent breeze. For the first time in a while, it didn't feel like hopping into a bathtub and then getting out into a steam room. I'm cautiously optimistic in saying that the worst of summer has passed around these parts (pending hurricane season). Pretty typical August forecast the next 2 weeks of low to mid 90's and moderate rain chances. Definitely have started noticing the days getting a little shorter. This will be the last full week of the year with sunsets past 8:00 pm in SETX. Currently losing a little over a minute of sunlight each day. Within a month, that will accelerate to over 2 minutes per day.
  12. Ended up just getting some extended periods of "lightdrizzle" yesterday afternoon and for about an hour this morning. About 1/10 of an inch in the past 24 hours. Just enough to keep temps down and make the driveway look wet, but far cry from a drought-buster.
  13. "Good news, son, you're getting called up to the show" "Thanks, skip, this is a dream come true." "You'll be facing the Astros."
  14. IMO, someone that's "really curious" could probably be bothered to read the full reports. They broke down job gains by industry and include average hourly wage information. Leisure and Hospitality +70K Manufacturing +30K Business and Professional Services +89K Health Care +70K Local govt. +57K (primarily school hiring) Transportation and Warehousing +27K Financial Services +13K Information Services +13K Mining and Oil & Gas +7K Average Hourly Wage: Up $0.15 to $32.27
  15. I swear, if my house is dry when I get home....
  16. Shepherd Park Draught House had probably a 10 year run there. The location's fine with the right concept.
  17. There's some great content on FNC today reacting to today's much stronger than anticipated jobs report.
  18. Win no. 69 (cue the tired jokes). Let's go ahead and be the 3rd team to reach 70 tomorrow. Back up to 31 over .500, and on pace to finish the season 104-58. Frankly, and this is kinda weird to say, but out of the last 5 dominant regular seasons we've put together (I'm not counting 2020), this one has felt a bit boring. I dunno, maybe it's not having a murderer's row offense of all-stars, or maybe it's the lack of any real divisional competition and that steamrolling our way to an AL West title has just become a yearly expectation. Sure, we've had some dramatic wins and frustrating losses, but mostly we just tend to go out there, pitch really well and win about 9 games for every 13 we play (.645).
  19. All of the offense evenly split between Chas and Maldy, as everyone saw coming.
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