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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NoRagrets

  1. Actually, I think did initially offer about half of the land.
  2. Some Mac update has my Mac not connecting to my docking station (large screen and keyboard) not my USB mixer thing (Strindberg). Help! Can’t record now…
  3. He didn’t choose it. His wife did. Just like most of us happily married men, you pick your battles.
  4. I wish we had Herman as a consultant. Dude always had a good plan for the big games. He played up to his competition, but, unfortunately, he also played down. It’s like his little mensa ego could only be bothered to work hard for the Sugar Bowl or OU. “Oklahoma State this week? Let’s just run our stuff, coaches. Who wants to go Sugar’s with me and Kendra?”
  5. I can’t prove you wrong that he’s one of your top ten favorite guitarists of all time. I can prove to you that he’s not one of mine. Art is subjective.
  6. There are reports that there’s a video of Hamas burning a teenager to death in front of a cheering crowd.
  7. They had their FG block team on defense and we didn’t go for it. That was chicken shit.
  8. If the US allows it, they’ll level everything and make a DMZ to buffer their border.
  9. Refs didn’t impact the game. We got away with a few holds, too.
  10. Sometimes you have a good plan, sometimes you don’t. We didn’t on offense in the first half. We didn’t on defense the whole game. Also, I thought Jaylon Ford played horrible. He whiffed on several tackles and just looked lost at times.
  11. Scipio mentioned on his podcast that Fox had a choice of big12 games for it’s night slot but chose a mountain west matchup instead (Fresno State vs Wyoming over Baylor vs Tech or TCU vs Iowa Steak).
  12. It sounded great at the shop. It sounded incredible when I got it home and put it through my pedals and half stack. I love the big ol’ neck. It’s like I found my soul mate.
  13. This Gibson 1950’s LP with P90’s found its forever home today.
  14. Should he be in the conversation for the Doak?
  15. I’ve never been more confident going into this game, and that means I’m at about a 60% confidence level. This game is just different. The team that has the best strategy regardless of talent usually wins. Sark and PK had both last year, which usually leads to blowouts in this game.
  16. Actually, the number of men has dropped to somewhere south of 40% at Texas. This is more a result of girls performing better in high school than boys, not some leftist conspiracy.
  17. For reals. Fans complaining about a possible first round draft pick is embarrassing.
  18. Their donors could save a lot money if they just preghozin the wing the next time Jimbo borrows the jet.
  19. OMG I can’t understand half of those rednecks.
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