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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. You need a 2 point conversion. Trying it first lets you know if you need 2 or 3 more possessions.
  2. Nah they're about even but to your point the other one is "a top ten matchup."
  3. Going for 2 there was correct. The play was terrible.
  4. Man these teams (with all the QBs out) and these refs and these coaching decisions. This is a very, very bad football game.
  5. Obvious illegal formation not called by terrible Big 12 refs on second down.
  6. Yeah, those playcalls on goal to go were something.
  7. They're whipping PSU's line straight up right now but pretty damn interesting that Michigan's defense isn't adjusting to Penn State's offensive calls from the sidelines. Almost like they're not as good at that anymore for some reason. Well they were when I first posted that on the wrong thread.
  8. I haven't read all of them but their membership in the Big Ten is voluntary. They agreed to the rules. If they don't like them they can leave, which they're now threatening. Okay, leave. It's the same thing as the CBAs in pro sports. The appeal process is spelled out. Lawsuits only happen if there is a claim that someone violated the CBA. Saying the CBA isn't fair doesn't really work until it's time to negotiate the next one.
  9. They signed an agreement to abide by those rules. It's not very complicated.
  10. Conference punishments have existed for a century. This isn't setting anything.
  11. Their fight song (which is great, btw) declares them champions of the west. Time to prove it. (Yes I know it made sense when written)
  12. Agreed I think it is just a stupid and terrible bluff. Michigan is very quickly burning through their credibility as an institution. They were the anti-shitheads school in the UM/tOSU rivalry. That gap is closing rapidly.
  13. Untenable precedent? Huh? Doesn't seem that hard to just suspend any coach ever caught doing this in the future exactly three games. Seems like a pretty tenable precedent to me.
  14. Rights with which we were what again, Ms. Lear?
  15. It's more that it's just a really stupid thing to say if that makes you feel better. There are millions of Jews who hate the current Israeli government. So yes, there are lots of people who love Jews but are against Israel. Such as, you know, lots of Jews themselves. Lots of people on one of the two sides of the debate here thinks all Jewish people are the same. Interestingly it's not the side opposed to Israel's actions.
  16. You are making your position look weaker with every post you make and don't even realize it. Here you equate opposition to government leaders with using a slur and you think you make a good point. The oppressed can and do become the oppressors. Christians were once persecuted and slaughtered. Now in many places around the world they treat others like shit and subject them to second class citizenship (and are trying to do the same again here). Opposition to those efforts is not religious bigotry but in your view it is. Theocratic ethnostates suck. All of them.
  17. The more you post the clearer it becomes that the issue is your inability to differentiate between always and sometimes. False rape allegations against black men are not necessarily racist in origin. Frequently? Yes. Always? No. It's the same with accusations of malevolent actions by Israel. I did enjoy the irony of the person arguing that things are always black or white with no room for other possibilities confidently asserting that his is the intellectually rigorous position. Certainty is easier than understanding and judgment is easier than curiosity.
  18. No, that phrase is not inherently antisemitic. I have zero doubt execution of the idea would be, though, if its adherents were afforded the opportunity. Just like Jewish desire for Israel to exist is not inherently bigoted.
  19. You got really stupid somewhere along the line, or maybe it's just this topic. Yes those Muslim theocratic ethnostates were and are awful. Why do you think anyone on this forum would disagree?
  20. I have. But your logic doesn't follow like you think it does. You are attempting to use a horrific history of suffering and malevolence to then paint every disagreement afterward with the same broad brush. It is intellectually facile at best. Some people with that stupid theory might very well want to believe it due to religious bigotry. Guess what? Some of the people in the world who believe the same stupid theory about 9/11 do it because of religious bigotry as well. However, it is absolutely not necessary to harbor any religious bigotry in order to believe either theory. Your incessant efforts to paint anti-Israeli-government statements as antisemitic only make you seem foolish.
  21. How is that antisemitic? (I think it's a stupid theory, for the record) There are hoopleheads who think George W. Bush knowingly let 9/11 happen. Is that religious bigotry as well?
  22. Uh yeah, then you call it antisemitic. That's the point. Try to keep up.
  23. I'm not a believer but isn't this the exact opposite of what the Bible says Jesus would be about?
  24. Quote function is your friend because without it you just claimed that stupidity as your own.
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