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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. Flu went around my kids’ schools a few weeks ago. I didn’t get a flu shot in 2023, but thankfully have managed to avoid it so far.
  2. Has there been a COVID bump in Austin recently? I haven’t heard much in several months, but over the past couple of weeks some friends and co-workers got it.
  3. You’ve exceeded the humblebrag word limit.
  4. He was a pretty substandard recruiter. Our WR talent dropped over the course of his time on Mack’s staff.
  5. Spicy pimento cheese dip. Includes chopped picked jalapeños and Frank’s Buffalo wing sauce.
  6. Starting with sausage balls. Used almond flour because my fiancé is gluten sensitive, and Partick Mahomes isn’t the only one looking to score today.
  7. People can get police incompetence anywhere, okay? They come to Austin for the atmosphere and the attitude. Okay? That's what the flair's about. It's about fun.
  8. I'm Nikolas Van Helsing, professor of proctology and other related tendencies. A graduate of the University of Rangoon, and assorted night classes at the Knoxville Tennessee School of Faith Healing.
  9. Hey Ted, did he remind you of how unattractive your wife is and that your dad helped kill JFK? And did he address you as Senator Cruz, or Lyin’ Ted?
  10. This is how you start a Steel Shank post.
  11. But York Hunt is quite visible.
  12. I love Sam Elliot, but I thought his presence and narration were the only weak spots of the movie.
  13. I would be a little concerned working with someone who didn’t know that wasn’t a Ron Burgundy line.
  14. My comments were directed at America. And yes, there are some exceptions, with New Orleans being one of them, as place I visit at least once a year. San Francisco? Yes, it has unique terrain and has retained a lot of historical architecture. But it’s getting chained up. Take a walk around Haight-Ashbury. And Seattle? It’s Austin but on a larger scale (downtown condos that look all alike, skyrocketing rents displacing local eclectic neighborhoods, etc.).
  15. Yep. You’re not going to find anything like “old Austin” in any decent sized town in America. We’re a nation that’s interconnected like never before, and with that is a growing level of homogeneousness across growing areas that are losing their once local and unique sense of charm. There’s still a lot about Austin that sets it apart from other metro areas, but wringing your hands over the loss of the town’s character in the [pick your decade] is just bitching about something that’s inevitable here or in any other city.
  16. You appear to be a messy coffee drinker. Are you a drooler?
  18. And a new OL coach, since Grubbs is taking him to Seattle.
  19. Dude, have you not been to the Museum of Ice Cream in The Domain?
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