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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. Altuve also wasnt running hard out of the box and it was still an easy triple.
  2. Looks like the guy was just looking for a hug. He is at a Rockies game after all.
  3. Yeah those look about perfect for me.
  4. But he had one final decent start against the Dodgers last week that fucked up my 4 game parlay that would have paid $1024 Fuck that guy
  5. 10/beltway area got pounded, tons of tree limbs down and several inches of rain. Yard is still wet this morning. Hallelujah holy shit
  6. And where did you procure said sandwich? I would have been fine with you just posting a picture of a Dude.
  7. And she was probably in the bacta tank within minutes. Whatever it’s fine. I was hoping she would get them Fennec Shand abs.
  8. whew, could have been a real shitpile there Great final pitch.
  9. You just missed a Majestic Maldy Mammoth Masterpiece (bomb)
  10. If it makes you feel any better the Astros are kicking their asses around this week. Does that make you feel better?
  11. Get that shit right up on out of here, if you please...
  12. Before last night Montero had a 1.83 ERA since July 1. Before July 1? Well it was real real bad.
  13. Ok so you refuse to eat mushrooms because of their classification as fungi?
  14. To be fair, there is a good amount of vaginal sandiness on display in here from time to time. OF COURSE THERE IS, OUR PET'S HEADS ARE FALLING OFF
  15. Clancy got to reprise his role. That’s nice.
  16. Already mentioned but June 5 2000 Compaq Center. Foo did this sadly short set. 1. Monkey Wrench 2. Learn to Fly 3. Breakout 4. For All the Cows 5. I'll Stick Around 6. Big Me 7. Stacked Actors 8. Next Year 9. Alone + Easy Target Encore: 10. Everlong 11. This Is a Call Beat the shit out of the RHCP and this was the Californication tour.
  17. huge

    Getting old sucks

    I have a 4 years old. I will be 62 when she graduates. I did enjoy myself quite a little bit and got married at 38. What I really need to do is get snipped.
  18. Barton Bands are inexpensive and decent quality. That way if you cant return them you can just throw them in a lake.
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