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Everything posted by sasquatch69

  1. That's about my pace also. It's about getting out there and doing it. Is that the gorge?
  2. I use a Thule Insta-Gater in my truck bed, usually with a couple additional tiedowns to help minimize any motion on the front wheel. It makes me feel better to have it in the bed and not on a hitch rack. I did use a hitch rack a couple times on longer trips (a cheap one) for my kids’ bikes, and wrapped a couple cable locks around the bikes/hitch as additional proection. But honestly, if you have a Kuat, those things are about the best you can get besides a 1Up.
  3. We were in Taos for four days last week. Had family shit to do most of the day, but I'm the only early riser of the bunch so I got up before 6am 3 of the 4 days. Did hikes 2 of the days (Devisadero Loop, which was mentioned upthread - it's a great hike but I can't imagine trying to do that first uphill on a bike - and the El Salto del Agua Cañoncito trail near Arroyo Seco, which was gorgeous). The last morning I took my bike up to Horse Thief Mesa near Arroyo Hondo. Had a great ride, mostly, except when I took a jeep trail shortcut to shorten my ride a bit due to time and got stuck in quicksand-like mud (which I should have expected given the monsoons mentioned above). Took 10 minutes of scraping it off with a stick once I got back to the singletrack to make it rideable again, and then chunks of mud flew off for another mile or two. Views along the Gorge couldn't be beat, though.
  4. Muse in the News with Gordo is back, and all is right with the world. Well, the Ticket world, anyway.
  5. Well, and as much as we all appreciate Texas at some level (otherwise we probably wouldn’t be on this board), it’s not as though the Horns have been a player on the football stage in a decade or more. The total package, sure, but this is about football.
  6. Eh, not much to report. In the early '00s, I worked in a role where I had to deal with him a handful of times; he was always pretty curt and didn't appear to have any interest in learning people's names, etc. unless they were of a certain status level. He was generous with charity, etc., though, so I guess there's that.
  7. How was HM? Last time I rode there this time of year, the trails were so overgrown they were barely passable in some spots.
  8. Covid barreled through our house the past couple of weeks. I got it first, then my kids and now my wife. I’m now 10 days past first symptoms so I’m feeling mostly normal now save for a slight lingering cough. I tried riding for the first time yesterday morning at RCP, and did a slow 7mi on the trails north of the parking lot. That went well, so today I tried Erwin. Mistake. I started at 9am which was really too late, and ended up bailing after an hour and about 4 miles because I wore out so quickly. Normally I can handle Erwin in full without struggling, so clearly I am far from 100%. Also, two knuckleheads on e-bikes were riding the trails today without helmets. They didn’t even bother with pedal assist - they were just letting the bike take them up hills without pedaling. 🤬
  9. I knew I could count on the Surl for the lulz. Doesn't solve immediate problem, though. (And no, I'm not a scoutmaster - just agreed to help solve this emergent issue since it affects my kid and many others.)
  10. Hey, all - I have a group of 55 parents and teens who are headed to Colorado on Saturday morning for summer scout camp, and the national rental company we rented six 12-passenger vans through four months ago just called and said they have national shortages due to a recall and cannot guarantee more than two vans tops. So, we're scrambling and haven't found anything else so far in the same price range. If you have a rental company or connections to one that has inventory right now in the D/FW area, please let me know. We'd need to pick up on 6/17 and return on 6/26 (or 6/27 if closed on Sundays).
  11. His explanation on the Rhyner podcast this week said the pay thing was part of it, but becoming a dad again has really changed his perspective on a lot of things. It’s worth a listen.
  12. Just when I think I’m out … they pull me back in
  13. Another vote here for Old Town Alexandria - it's really cool, easily accessible via Metro, and a totally different vibe from DC proper. I also strongly recommend the National Cathedral. Even if you're not religious, it's an awe-inspiring building - one of the largest cathedrals in the world - with tons of history that is entwined with major historical events in our nation. It's also accessible via Metro - just go to AU-Tenleytown stop and either walk or take the bus south on Wisconsin Avenue to the cathedral.
  14. Seems like a good way to test it. And I haven't mustered up courage to do the new Mongo drop either - I always hang my head in shame as I ride around it.
  15. Haven’t posted here much lately because life has intervened in my MTB riding, but I did make it to Bentonville for a long Memorial Day weekend, and I can’t recommend it enough. Even my out-of-shape ass had a blast trying out several different trails, and I can’t wait to go back. The town is just wired for cyclists, both of the MTB and paved-trail variety. My riding buddy and I did 22 miles in 2.5 days and we barely scratched the surface. first day was the Little Sugar trails up where we stayed in Bella Vista. Day 2 was on the in-town Slaughter Pen trail network. On the final morning, we did several loops in the Blowing Springs trail network back up in Bella Vista. These were my favorite, and there’s a really great campground there as well (with cabins and a beer garden).
  16. On his podcast, Questlove did a 3-part interview with Jimmy Jam of the Jam+Lewis production team, and if you love nerding out on music history and production (especially 70s-early 90s R&B, Prince, etc.), it's a pretty incredible listen. This was recorded several years ago, but I'm just now finding it (and I didn't see any previous posts about it), so enjoy: 1: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/qls-classic-jimmy-jam-part-1/id1485250501?i=1000471291470 2: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/qls-classic-jimmy-jam-part-2/id1485250501?i=1000472016975 3: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/qls-classic-jimmy-jam-part-3/id1485250501?i=1000472251824
  17. Deep Night Compound Ticket is best Ticket.
  18. Thanks to all for the advice. We had a wonderful weekend. Highlights: - Meow Wolf (insanely creative - but on a much bigger budget than the original in Santa Fe) - Denver Cat Company (a coffee/tea spot full of cats up for adoption to play with) - Union Station area and Confluence Park downtown - Golden and Evergreen for some time closer to the mountains (we've done Vail, Estes Park, etc. on previous trips but didn't have as much time to venture further afield) If you're in the Central Park (formerly Stapleton) area, highly recommend Four Friends Kitchen for breakfast - it was so good we went two mornings in a row.
  19. Yes - both the “4 Days in…” and “Denver” threads. They were mostly food-focused, and I wonder how many of those recs are still valid post-Covid. Mainly I’m interested in stuff to do that the kid would like.
  20. We’re in Denver for the weekend with our son for his 13th bday. He’s into creative stuff - not as big a sports fan. We’re already hitting up Meow Wolf and Denver Central Market downtown today. What else should we not miss? Any restaurant recs that aren’t chains? We are staying right off I-70 near Stapleton area.
  21. That was me for the first 1.5 years I was back on the bike after a long layoff (a 1997 GT RTS-3). It was *technically* full suspension, but with weird geometry and a suspect gearset that tended to crap out in the middle of climbs. It got me back into the sport after COVID hit, though, and we had some great rides until I finally replaced it with a modern bike last fall. Either way, that's awesome you're riding, and feel free to share your rides here!
  22. Compelling (and disturbing) reporting here. It's mystifying to me that a rando Twitter user has been able to influence public talking points (and even legislation) to this degree simply by being consistently hateful and never letting up on the outrage p0rn. And for all those crying that this is "doxxing," it's all publicly available information. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/19/libs-of-tiktok-right-wing-media/
  23. Gotta say, I loved the absurdity of Greggo Luka on the Musers this morning.
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