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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by McCroskey

  1. Got a nice butt going today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Talk to me, babe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Well that's a big job, you've got to dismantle the latch hasp from the auxiliary drainage line.
  4. Appreciate this reply...not sure I'll be able to catch-up on the rest of them directed at me but this one at last caught my attention. As I said last night I clearly get I'm in the minority here, it is what it is. That said, the hypocrisy is rich as hell if you honestly think there aren't plenty of people within the democratic party...even some all the way at or near the top...who aren't in some way fascist, racist, mysogynist, liars, or supporters of violence against minorities. It goes back to my point last night, BOTH sides have skin in this game for all these things which is why I don't really care for either candidate, or either party for that matter. People deserve better. The longer I live the better I understand why societies typically only last a few hundred years at most before crumbling.
  5. Well that’s like your opinion, man. The morality thing is interesting, lots of twists in that pretzel for sure. I’m out, have enjoyed the discussion even though some think I’m a troll. I’m not, and really enjoy this place and reading comments far more often than posting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. You weren't paying attention, I didn't take a raise and haven't since 2016 but rather we've used the savings to hire 8 new employees, only one of which is single and female. The other 7 all have families of their own. Jesus man, stop trying to play this fucking morality card that if someone disagrees with something you believe in they are the enemy or somehow corrupt.
  7. I voted for Obama twice. Voted for Trump because for similar reasons, didn't like HIllary at all or her bullshit...thought we needed to mix it up with Trump. And please tell me a single senior member of the Democratic party (or hell republican party for that matter) that hasn't stayed in politics at least partly for their own personal enrichment. Biden entered public office at 29 years old and wasn't worth shit, yet somehow after all these years in "public service" he's earned tens of millions of dollars in book deals, salaries, benefits, etc... Yeah, no hypocrisy there.
  8. Yeah, apples to apples comparisons are always such bullshit, and so inconvenient.
  9. No, but a person can also die from COVID and not have a positive test to show for it. Other countries just aren't tracking this like we are, not even remotely as close. Do you still think China has only had 4700 deaths?
  10. Agreed but the problem with TCPA was that it bundled in banks, credit unions, and many other businesses across the medical industry into the same buckets as traditional "call centers," the latter of which were oftentimes abusive and worthy of regulation. The regs didn't clearly differentiate legitimate practices from harmful ones.
  11. I don't think Biden is a radical socialist at all.
  12. It's amazing how numbers of confirmed cases so closely correlate to the number of tests given. Here, I just selected a large number of European countries, and Japan, to compare to that graph above. Amazing our positive rates are also higher, almost as if it's statistical probability. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/full-list-total-tests-for-covid-19?time=2020-02-22..latest&country=USA~JPN~CAN~IRL~GBR~France%2C tests performed~DEU~GRC~ESP~PRT
  13. Just come out and say you are voting for Trump. Own your opinion. Undecided. Not afraid to "own an opinion."
  14. Name a western country anything remotely like the United States as it relates to our history, constitution, or population. Can you?
  15. No, but we call consumers. Was a different part of the act.
  16. No, I think they are both corrupt but in completely different ways. This country should never have 20+ year career politicans, much less 50 year politicians. And I'm a person that says "always and never are two words you should always remember to never use."
  17. So the fact my business is now saving tens of thousands of dollars per year for what were previously bullshit TCPA compliance rules is wrong? That, along with other reduced regs, has allowed us to hire 8-9 additional employees now since 2017.
  18. See, I just completely disagree with that. We've tested 70MM people thus far and are tracking COVID better than anywhere in the world, with the next nearest country being India, which has 4x our population but has only tested half the number of people we have. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/full-list-total-tests-for-covid-19 Travel to Europe a bit and talk to people who have lived there their entire lives, get a sense of their healthcare and what it is, and then try to rationalize that we could even remotely have something similar. It won't ever happen, and probably for good reasons. And that's not a knock on their system, things are just completely different here compared to anywhere else in the world.
  19. Don't watch Fox News. Sorry to see you aren't interested in any kind of rationally formed alternative opinions. I see a lot of that these days.
  20. Is there another country in the world people are flocking to right now more than the US? Not that I've heard.
  21. Agreed, and thank God I don't live in a European country.
  22. Less regulations. Lower taxes. Improved foreign policy positions (I don't demand foreign countries "like" our president), stronger immigration policies (legal is great, illegal is well, illegal), increased energy independence, separation from bullshit treaties and accords (Iran, Paris, etc...), more accountability to NATO countries, tougher stances on the UN, pushing through better judges. Those are at the top of my mind.
  23. Debates are off the cuff...and that's simply not Joe's strength regardless of how good he was tonight. Personally, I don't see any way the DNC will let him do a single debate...the upside is minimal and the downsides are tremendous. Time will tell.
  24. In many ways no, and in many ways yes. I think we're in a clusterfuck of a situation. I despise Trump as a person and a statesman, but it's hard to argue the success of certain policies and political tactics. I like Biden as a person and statesman, but simply cannot understand some of the positions and policies he says he would enact. This might make me sound even worse but personally I don't even think Joe believes a lot of the stuff he says himself...but he's letting himself get pulled farther left due to political pressures.
  25. I think Biden loves America, and I think Trump loves America. And each for very different reasons.
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