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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. I was wondering more about local governments refusing to return guns in the case of it expiring, but both are a problem. This does lead to another issue, however. Local or state governments are under no obligation to enforce federal laws (Printz vs. The United States, iirc). While this works in favor of Marijuana legalization and immigration sanctuary cities (both of which I support), it likely presents an obstacle to federal red flag laws that is difficult to overcome without other less than desirable side effects.
  2. I'm not arguing against them. I am arguing for them as long as they are well crafted. I have no problem with what you said, as long as it is actually followed. I would say that that is a good example of one. Two weeks is a perfectly reasonable amount of time for a hearing. Is there a provision for a hearing that doesn't involve immediate removal of guns before the hearing in cases where there isn't demonstrable immediate danger? If not that could be a good enhancement. Are there penalties for local governments who don't follow through with the law?
  3. How many states have red flag laws that allow ex parte orders to be issued to remove guns? The answer is all states that have red flag laws. I have no issue with that as long as there is a clear requirements and the courts are obligated to give the person a hearing within a set amount of time or the order is automatically rescinded.
  4. What thing that doesn't exist? What misunderstanding? Be specific.
  5. Unless you are aware of some other type of red flag law, they take away both a person's right to own guns they may already posses and their right to aquire new ones. If someone is mentally unstable, but there is no evidence of them planning to harm anybody, then there should be time for a hearing before taking away their second amendment rights. If someone has made specific threats, then I have no problem taking away their rights as long as there is a hearing within a reasonable amount of time. What about due process am I not getting? Or are you projecting what you think my opinions are on me and not actually reading what I am writing?
  6. Why do you think I'm arguing against it? I've said repeatedly said I am for them as long as they aren't written poorly. Go back to posts 921 and 922. I laid out a pretty comprehensive proposal that would likely get enough support from gun rights advocates to pass. Red flag laws were a part of that.
  7. Maybe you should go to the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Want to do Other Things Good Too.
  8. I would say the hearing needs to be before any rights can be stripped except in rare circumstances where there is a clearly urgent and demonstrable need. We would have to define the urgent and demonstrable need part, however. Do that and make it fair and I am in full support.
  9. What I'm saying, and more for theoretical discussion than opposition to better gun control laws, is that eventually it will happen again with a 3D printed gun, and how do we guard against that without violating the first, fourth, and fifth ammendments of all Americans?
  10. No, I'm for red flag laws, I'm just saying they ha e to be carefully constructed so that an abusive ex can't make up false accusations that result in people losing their rights and having to spend years and a lot of money to get them back.
  11. Do y'all really not understand how red flag laws can be abused if they aren't carefully constructed to allow for due process?
  12. Under $200 a sqft? Not terrible for that level of finish.
  13. Even if we have robust red flag laws, there is always going to be someone who manages to slip through the system. Part of that is inevitable, but part of that is due to the nature of our rights that require due process to be stripped of them. I'm not sure we want to set a precedent where we allow rights to be stripped without due process, because that leads us down a very dark rabbit hole. So we need the judgement of salespeople as a last bastion of defense against those who slip through. Then again, we may be headed down that rabbit hole already due to the nature of technology. It is already possible to manufacture your own magazine fed semi automatic (and probably fully automatic) gun with a couple weeks and about 500 bucks using 3D printers. And that is including the cost of the printer. None of the parts required are regulated as firearm components in the EU, which is much stricter than anything here. Even the barrel can be created with rifling using electrochemical machining and 3D printed jigs. The only way to really prevent someone from a mass shooting using something like that likely involves significant erosion of rights that even people who oppose the second amendment care deeply about. FGC-9
  14. I said it before, but I think this series would benefit from binging more than a weekly drop. Or at least dropping the first three or so episodes before going weekly.
  15. I was hoping for a lighter first episode, but I guess they wanted to address the end of the last season.
  16. She asked Obi Wan if he was her real father and if he knew her real mother. She knows.
  17. I bet she has an arc similar to Asajj Ventress. At least that was the feeling I got.
  18. This was for a pen around a feeder? How much of a pussy are you that you need to haul that thing and a compressor out just for a handful of T-posts? And the spray paint on the ground? Mostly kidding, I bet the ground is a bit harder out y'all's direction than it is over here.
  19. And it's going to be much more difficult for many of them to arm themselves.
  20. Have him train his replacement and then can him. Maybe even make him think it is because he is getting promoted to be the new hire's boss, that way he does a proper job of training.
  21. What are you trying to do? I've helped my wife make an e-commerce site, and there wasn't really anything that we couldn't figure out how to do without googling it.
  22. Other news is reporting that there is video in which dispatchers can be heard advising of the kids inside. I wouldn't be surprised if the hot mike thing was a lie to cover up their cowardice.
  23. My wife watched the latest one with me tonight and kept asking who all these people who want to kill him are. Honestly, I don't remember any of them because the previous seasons were so long ago, but I really don't care.
  24. Yeah, Lucas had some great story ideas, but he sucked when it was him writing the actual scripts. Thank God for Filoni. While he looks like an old overweight nerdy virgin, he actually knows how to both make a good story and dialog that works. He also excels at fitting backstory into elements that don't seemingly work. It seems like Kathleen Kennedy has realized that just leaving pretty much everything up to Filoni and Favreau is the best thing to do. Wish she had realized it sooner.
  25. There are a few legitimate reasons. Like if you are out of town and happen to come across something rare that you've been looking for for a long time. I'm not sure if you can get something shipped directly to you from a FFL or not if you have already completed the transfer and are just waiting on a waiting period, but that would seem reasonable. But the other big one would be like when somebody posts bail and has made threats towards their victims. There could obviously be a system to grant exceptions for stuff like that.
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