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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. This is why I think unions in general are a good thing that we need in society. But the power of unions and employers needs to be balanced instead of tilted to one extreme or the other. Workers need to be able to band together to demand better treatment, but they also need to be accountable for their actions.
  2. Fun story, we were about three weeks in to a month long camping trip living out of our van with an almost three year old and an almost one year old at the Grand Tetons. When you do a trip like that, you stay in dispersed backcountry campgrounds without any amenities, so finding places to shower is something that takes a lot more work than on a regular trip. Anyhow, they had showers at the park that you could pay to use, and I had just showered and was waiting in the van while the wife and our oldest were in the shower. The youngest was behind me in his car seat playing with his older sisters tablet when i looked back to check on him. At first I wondered where he had gotten chocolate from, but then it dawned on me that he had had a blow out and everything was covered in liquified poop. His face, the car seat, the tablet, everything. We had to do the best we could to clean everything up and get him showered since we still had about a week left in our trip and no good way to simply toss the car seat cover in the wash and wait for it to dry out.
  3. Our youngest turns one tomorrow, and I've been trying to get the wife to start mixing in a little milk with the formula to stretch it out now that he is old enough, but my wife doesn't understand why I am eager to try and wean him off of formula. Maybe because you have to go to three different stores to find it, and even if you do it costs significantly more?
  4. I'm not saying that stronger unions, especially in some industries, is a bad idea, but there were some other things that happened during that time period that probably had something to do with it as well. Like maybe shipping all our manufacturing jobs overseas. Unions can be positive, and they can be negative, but I've never met someone who felt like they were a positive influence on the quality of work done in my industry. And as far as regulations go, that's probably a mixed bag as well. It used to be if you needed a pump changed out, the operator shut it down and called the mechanic who came and did the work. Now, the operator has to write a permit, lock out all the potential sources of energy, call an electrician to make the electrical disconnect and sign off on the permit, get supervisory approval from both his supervisor and the mechanic's supervisor, and place a tag where the mechanic will break into the process. The mechanic now needs a helper to stand outside the barricade while he makes the first break wearing special PPE before they can return the first break tag to operations and continue on with the job. All for a job that would have just involved flipping a switch and turning a few valves before telling the mechanic to get after it during the time where we had so called better worker protections. And that's not even getting into what is required if you need to enter a confined space and use a battery powered drill.
  5. I feel like somewhere along the line somebody missed the opportunity to post this photo:
  6. Won't make a difference after a bout of accidental self-defenestrations.
  7. It's not a weird bit to pick. Or at least I like to think so. That would actually be somewhat appropriate. Armor technology progressed quite a bit in two hundred years. If they were wearing full plate armor in TOS, boiled leather would be much closer to what they were wearing in this new one. Of course it is fantasy, so we have to pretend that the golden age of plate armor was in a period of stasis. It is what it is.
  8. The new Kirby game is fun. Not particularly challenging so far, but enjoyable. It's also pretty good for younger children who can't read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too as there isn't a whole lot of dialog to read.
  9. Yeah, I didn't think it was bad at all. I would have rather not had a whole Kwan episode, but I assume it all ties in.
  10. Pretty cool, but I'm not sure I'd want that thing pointed right at me while driving around.
  11. Ted Lasso must be taking his divorce pretty hard.
  12. I don't think I've ever seen more than one person per year open carrying a hand gun since the law passed. But I don't have any problem accepting that there were three doing it at a gas station. As far as long guns go, I have been guilty of it once a few years ago. Due to reasons I can't remember, I had to take my motorcycle to the family land to go hunting. That meant I had to ride with a rifle strapped accross my back. I didn't walk into any gas stations with it in low ready, but I did stop at a liquor store and inquire if it was OK for me to lean it up against the wall by the door while I purchased supplies.
  13. I doubt Russia can take the Azovstal plant with the troops they have left unless they resort to chemical weapons. I'm betting this gets ugly.
  14. I think I've only ever seen one person open carrying in Henderson, but I do need to know which gas station has the no step on snek sign. Waiting on some pupusas at the Salvadorian restaurant downtown right now. Will report back on the quality.
  15. I set an alarm on my phone a couple of weeks ago to remind me to make reservations for this. Can only make them a year in advance, so hopefully it doesn't fill up too quickly.
  16. Would think you need an electrician instead of a mechanic...
  17. So you have to get drunk again to remember what you were trying to say?
  18. Yeah, you can't really make a comparison between daily active users. Twitter is used as an official communications medium by governments and almost all authorities business or otherwise. How many times has the news put up a facebook comment by the president versus a tweet? That tweet reaches way more people who don't look at it on the internet than the Facebook comment will. That does present a challenge as to how to monetize it, however, as most views for tweets are either quoted or embedded. Adds don't show up on embedded tweets, and the news doesn't pay royalties in order to be able to quote a tweet. If they tried to change that would it work?
  19. I was actually enjoying the story developement and wasn't too worried about the lack of action. Maybe it's because I never really got into the games.
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