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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. It was kind of obvious the direction they were going with this one, but it was still well done.
  2. What kind of cretin neglects to label their horizontal axis?
  3. Well, see, the Crazy Joe banned Russian ammo imports last year, man! He knew what was coming and wanted to make sure they had enough for this war, man! And if you think that's crazy, you won't believe what is happening on Tatooine!
  4. The schools was my favorite season. Maybe because they were trying to make a positive difference in ending the chain.
  5. Oh, OK. Sounds like you need to get your priorities in order.
  6. Yep. It's on peacock iirc if you want to binge it.
  7. I actually read the Democrats version of their "common sense" universal background check bill that was passed in the house a couple of years ago. I'm assuming they haven't made any changes to it. Under that bill, had she asked you to take the guns to your house to clean and check them for proper function, you would both have had to travel to the nearest FFL dealer and fill out a 4473 to legally transfer them to you in order to do that. Then you would have had to travel back to an FFL dealer to repeat the process to transfer them back to her. Around here, the going rate for a transfer is about $35 or more. But luckily for your FFL dealer, the bill specifically mentioned that there was no maximum amount that they could charge for transfers. So if they are the only shop around, they can jack up the price as high as they want. It makes no difference if you are a LTC holder and therefore exempt from background check requirements. You still have to pay twice to do something like that. Same story if your buddy who you've known all your life and has a LTC wants to borrow your expensive over under shotgun for a weekend dove hunt to see if it fits him and shoots well for him before spending a bunch of money on his own. Pay twice. This is "common sense gun control" that is only really common sense if you know nothing about guns or have no connection to any sort of shooting sports and is why nothing keeps happening.
  8. Not really. He could have killed the same amount of kids with a muzzleloader given the response of the local cops. That's a slight exaggeration, but he had all the time in the world to methodically kill as many kids as possible. Mag size limits would certainly help in most cases, but not much in this one. I bet if a magazine size limit law of 10 rounds for centerline rifles or pistols based on centerline rifle designs (to cover the many AR pattern pistols in circulation) was combined with a program for which you could swap round for round your higher capacity magazines for lower capacity magazines and the government reimbursed the manufacturers for doing the swap you would see a lot of hunters swapping out each of their 30 round mags for three 10 round mags. Of course, the Democrats would have a hard time accepting the fact that they are giving magazine manufacturers a source of revenue, so they (the elected ones, not necessarily the voters) would never support it.
  9. I mean, the movie does absolutely drag. They could have easily edited about a half an hour out of it without impacting any dialog.
  10. The other thing that sets it aside from other similar platforms is that the 30 round magazine is pretty much the standard, as a result of it's military heritage. Most of these activities don't need that kind of capacity, and as @CHIEF has stated here, most sportsmen don't use them because they are cumbersome and get in the way. Magazine fed semi automatic rifles have been around for well over a hundred years and have many benefits, but the thing that makes them particularly useful to the folks who perpetuate mass shootings us their magazine capacity, not anything else inherent in the design of the gun itself.
  11. There really aren't a bunch of alternatives to the AR-15 that are just as good. If we expand it to all AR pattern rifles, there are well over 100 calibers of ammunition that can be adapted for use in the platform. Many require only a simple swap of the barrel. Others require changing out a few other parts. Doing those things is made simple due to the proliferation of parts available and ease of doing it yourself with a minimal requirement for special tools. Basically anybody who wants an AR pattern rifle built specifically for whatever application can easily order a few parts and build a rifle that is perfectly adapted to their purposes, whether that involves shooting pests at home, or hunting Elk in the Rockies or anything in between. And the way it is designed allows a person to pop out a couple of pins and swap out the upper reciever to completely change the capabilities of the rifle. You can have one gun that gun pretty much do it all for hunting anything in North America. This is one of the primary drivers of the popularity of the AR platform. There is the "tactic oolong Oakley selfie in a truck" crowd who are compensating for something, but that doesn't change that it is one of the most practical rifle platforms for sportsmen, and unexpectedly so one of if not the best selling new rifle platforms in the modern era.
  12. Just an FYI, the gun show loophole and person to person sales are the same thing. It was a compromise that allowed the background check bill to be passed.
  13. You asked, so here is a prime example of your lies and attempts to polarize things to state where nothing gets done. The most famous example of straw purchases is Operation Fast and Furious, in which federal law enforcement agents instructed licensed firearms dealers to allow the sale of some 2000 guns to suspected straw purchasers to supposedly track them into Mexico and dismantle the gun running rings. This was done under the Obama administration. Only they didn't really do any tracking, and previous experiences with similar programs under the Bush administration showed its ineffectiveness. But they pushed through all the while decreasing controls to make it even more ineffective. History pretty clearly shows that the Democrats have had a big hand in allowing straw sales of guns to Mexico. I'll give you credit for editing your claim that Republicans repealed the assault weapons ban, but that even then you are still going about your game of stoking division so that nothing gets done. You also talked a lot about Reagan's support for gun control, but never mentioned that he is famous for supporting it because he was scared of armed black people. This is significant because many of the proposals being pushed now would still have the effect of making it much more difficult for minorities to exercise their second amendment rights. Mandatory licensing and safety classes, mandatory laws regarding gun safes, and anything that requires potential gun owners having to jump through hoops to exercise their rights adversely affects minorities much more than it does the middle to upper class white folks who make up the majority of posters here. And most of the regulations that have those effects are not particularly needed, as we can establish plenty of reforms that don't have those effects. Magazine size restrictions are fairly color blind, for example. Red flag laws could be if they are written properly. Even age limits for semiautomatic firearm purchases are fairly colorblind, although I think many of the age limits being thrown out here are a bit extreme.
  14. It and Deadwood are neck and neck, with BSG close behind. I enjoy watching Deadwood more, but they are both pretty good.
  15. This is the real concern with masks. You see a chick with captivating eyes wearing a mask and you think she is all that, and then you see her without one and you realize that there is a reason we aren't solely attracted to their eyes.
  16. Lol, the fact that you're watching the Wire right now makes your posts in the Kenobi thread make more sense.
  17. He also pushed gun control because he got scared that the Black Panthers were armed. But maybe let's not discuss that part of his legacy?
  18. We've had three. The first was an emergency C-section after 27 hours of active labor. The second had to be pulled out with a suction cup thingy on his head after 20 hours of labor and three hours of pushing (9.5 pound baby probably didn't help on my wife's small frame). The third was a scheduled C-section because he was breeched. Took all of the doctor's weight to push over ten pounds of baby out of the wife's belly. Your wife/baby momma doesn't know how good she had it.
  19. I'm starting to think that Chopper is either a Russian troll or he at least posts exactly like one. Neither of which are something to be proud of. Almost all of his recent posts contain something misleading or downright false, and he is intentionally stoking the divide between conservatives and liberals, which only serves to entrench both sides and prevent progress.
  20. Straw purchases are already illegal and subject to enforcement by executive agencies under the control of the sitting president. I'm not sure how you can lay the blame solely on Republicans. It's long been the case that if you lie on a 4473 that you have a less than one percent chance of even being investigated, no matter which party is in charge.
  21. If the question is do you need a permit, the answer is no. You can buy both smokeless powder and black powder if you can find them over the counter without any sort of permit. You can buy tannerite without a permit. Dynamite, I think requires a permit.
  22. You can buy many things that would commonly be considered explosives over the counter.
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