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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. He literally never said his uncle was eaten by cannibals jfc
  2. There is no gaffe. Unless you think it is slightly racist to call cannibals who lived in New Guinea cannibals. He neither said nor implied his uncle was eaten
  3. If you adhere to the teachings of Jesus, and Paul, there really should never be a “mainstream Christianity“.
  4. Or that Lee told his forces “never fight uphill” lol
  5. He absolutely does not say cannibals ate his uncle. You’re an idiot
  6. What is this dipshit on about? I made it to TikTok and I was done
  7. Every one of them has a bible verse somewhere in their feed
  8. You’ve never had Patillo’s
  9. The last time I actually went to a post office to mail something was probably 20 years ago. Waited in line for almost 20 minutes. As soon as I got to front of line and opened my mouth to say hello she picked up her name plate and turned without saying a word and proceeded to sit down and eat a Patillo’s chopped beef sandwich in plain view 😡😡😡
  10. Senators make a lot of money but they spend a lot of money too
  11. Oh I’m sure you can go on and on. I stand by my post. You can capture 90+ % with my 3. Most of those “secular” posters are closet fundies
  12. Most of them these days fall under the religious loony umbrella but yes excellent point
  13. Damn I didn’t read to the end. Sorry that really sucks.
  14. If they are truly all corrupt, don’t you want the group that will get you the most of what you want or at least the least of what you don’t want? Unless you are 100Maire or greater, are a religious loony, or want a child bride, there is no reason I can think of at this point to pick a republican over a democrat
  15. ^^^^ what happens to this price when they add millions of shares? Does value of all previous shares get divided by new total number of shares or do the new shares get issued at the old price per share?
  16. If she is still with it talk to her now about what she wants to do. In home hospice may be an option. That’s what we did with my mom and it was a tremendous blessing. Got to keep her dignity and my dad (technically step but better than any biological I could ask for) got to stay by her side literally until the end.
  17. Once we start kicking UGA’s ass regularly, he’ll find his way over here
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