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Red Five

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Red Five

  1. I heard the two struck a deal, where one would come in and do the work during the day, while the other would handle their personal affairs outside of the office.
  2. I go through this shit in real life. They go on and on about how Biden is senile and corrupt, etc. I let them finish and then say something like "How do you feel about Trump's 91 felony counts and being found liable for rape?" They waive it off like I just mentioned a speeding ticket from 30 years ago. Just fucking amazing.
  3. Is there anyone in Trump's orbit who hasn't either already gone to jail, or is facing the prospect of going to jail? The POD guys today were talking about how a majority of this country isn't really fazed by the republican nominee for President going on trial for committing felonies, six months before the election. That is how much this fucking shit has been normalized. But Biden had a teleprompter mishap! That's the real story today!
  4. Seems like more of a "presidential act" than all the shit Trump did.
  5. I watched On the Line with Mel Gibson, because.... well I don't know why. Impulse watch. This impulse was a mistake, as this movie is truly awful.
  6. I personally don't think that a President who tried to overturn an election he lost in order to keep himself in power should be immune from prosecution for doing that. JMHO
  7. Yes yes, more time is clearly needed. No hurry at all, considering that the subject here is running for fucking President again in six months.
  8. Hell, one of Trump's attorneys argued that in one of his impeachment trials. "No no, this is legal, not political!" "Fine, we're pressing charges." "No no, this is political, not legal!"
  9. College students are supposed to be protesting. It's college.
  10. Well I'd think two have to be Larry and Pope. Johnson and Weaver coming off the bench would make the most sense I think, at least if we're talking November.
  11. A disproportionate amount of issues/drama seems to be taking place in one position room.
  12. Who could possibly expect any support, while awaiting trial on a bunch of felonies? oh wait
  13. I know he's just a screaming child, but what exactly is he trying to accomplish, besides having those judges killed by his army of imbeciles? "Republicans must take action!". Um, like what exactly?
  14. That whole thing was like an Abbott and Costello routine. "What are you investigating?" "All the crimes that Biden committed." "Which are?" "That's why we're investigating. To find them." "Ok, what are you investigating?" "The crimes." "Which are?" "That's why we're investigating."
  15. Nahlin said this morning that we almost lost a "star" player to the portal yesterday. I'm assuming he was being cute with the wording, which makes it pretty obvious.
  16. Wordle 1,040 5/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨⬜🟩⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  17. "You see, not only could we not prove his guilt in committing high crimes and misdemeanors, but we couldn't even come up with the crime. Funny, huh?"
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