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Red Five

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Red Five

  1. If Sydir Mitchell is in the two-deep now that’s news to me. Edit: That β€œdepth chart” is also missing Barron.
  2. Thanks Vito!!!!!!! Thanks Mr. Drummond!!!!!! I hope that we win a lot of football games this upcoming season!!!!!!!
  3. Amazing. I get why Fox would do it, because they're shitheels who would do anything to help dear Dotard, but why anyone else would report specifics on jurors is just beyond me.
  4. It's like they're all either eight years old or 108, and are brand new to the internet. You don't have to thank Bobby and Gerry for every post they make on their own site. That's a big one people.
  5. I was actually about to ask if there's a way to block every poster on that site not named Gerry or Bobby.
  6. "Obama thinks there are 57 states" energy here.
  7. So you created an imaginary conversation between Biden and his team, and posted it as if it was something that actually happened. Got it. Biden perhaps getting some details wrong about an 80 year old story makes me so mad, because it just reminds me of the time he stood on stage with Putin and sided with Russia over America. Oh wait hold on, now it's my memory that's failing. That was the previous twice-impeached, charged with 91 felony counts and found liable of sexual assault president.
  8. I'm going to take this as a "yes". You created a situation in your head where Biden was "allowed" to tell the story, but was told UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES! was he to use a certain word. But then he did! Can you believe it?? (all made up)
  9. They are clearly part of this heinous crime. When do impeachment proceedings start?
  10. Biden "regularly" can't remember how his son died? Like, this is something that happens often? Huh.
  11. It doesn't matter what republicans do or say, but democrats have to be perfect.
  12. Wordle 1,034 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 🟨⬜🟨🟨⬜ 🟨🟨🟨🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  13. Is retweeting something treated the same as saying it yourself? Considering that jurors have already been seated, that could be interpreted as threatening to them, I would think.
  14. If Hoosiers was released today, it would take place in 1989.
  15. Wait, the current state of the GOP isn't "wrecked" already?
  16. "He's a super successful businessman. A billionaire who doesn't need money from anyone. That's what makes him special." - 2016 Now? "Um.... well he's not technically a convicted felon yet. Dotard 2024!"
  17. (rambles on and on about a million different conspiracies without actually calling them conspiracies) "Actually, check out these facts." "Oh well that's a conspiracy." Conspiracies are truths and truths are conspiracies. Good times.
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