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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. Scams are starting to get worse with AI. AI will be able to seamlessly generate conversations with seniors. Whether it's impersonating family members or someone offering them help. AI can also mimic a person's voice by only hearing a certain number of words. In some near-term future, an AI could call someone's elderly parents and pretend to be their child or grandchild who needs their credit card #. Elderly (or all of us) won't even be able to trust their own ears.
  2. If I believed in any cause, and then someone showed up like this to said cause's rally, I would re-evaluate my support.
  3. Rogan is ok when it comes to comedy conversations with comedians, and one-off clips about interesting subjects. Examples would include Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about galaxies.
  4. By all accounts, Retton has the money or assets to pay for her medical bills. If she gambled without insurance, she should take the hit. Now maybe it's possible that while she was unable to make decisions in the hospital, her daughter made the wrong choice to beg for money but Retton is in a place to correct that mistake. I also doubt we see many more Retton interviews unless it's like with an entertainment reporter or perhaps on ABC's coverage of the Olympics. With any real reporter, Retton won't be able to explain her recent lie that she couldn't get insurance because of pre-existing conditions. And if she couldn't afford insurance due to low income, the govt helps with that.
  5. Vance is laying down the foundation on why Trump, Senate and House can ignore the Supreme Court as long as they really, really think that the Supreme Court has made an illegal ruling. Many in the GOP don't mind making hypothetical arguments of the Supreme Court or even Biden abusing their power, but when asked about a hypothetical abuse of power by Trump, even after he mentions it, they state how they won't play the hypothetical scenario game. The only person or group who has attempted to overthrow the govt is Trump.
  6. I’m not sure there is evidence that he made to Day 1.
  7. GOP house fundraising is down when they elect their 10th choice as the Speaker because the bottom 5% refuse to go along with the rest of the party? Who would have guessed.
  8. Silence can be deafening at times. And it doesn’t mean that they’re not telling House members to get the money flowing. It’s impossible to think that the defense industry doesn’t love it when major countries are fighting.
  9. Put a huge dog water bowl outside with the name of 2 dogs on it.
  10. When it comes to arguing with or setting the average Trump voter straight, it’s not difficult. You only need a few talking points and facts. The economy is the best talking point, and when they counter with inflation, mention how wage growth is outpacing inflation. If they say their wages haven’t grown as much, well then that’s their problem. it’s ok to agree that deciding between two 80 year olds is not anyone’s first choice. When they throw out Biden’s age, always counter that Trump is effectively the same age without Trumps age being your main point. “You’re right that Biden and Trump both misspeak but I’m more interested who performed better with 4 years of their presidency. With that it’s no comparison. But I will give Trump credit that he’s better with social media.”
  11. Sorry to hear about this. One thing to remember is that there isn’t always the perfect solution for the elderly. Many cannot be fully healed. Do the best you can but accept realities.
  12. Of course Kyle is riding the grift train. It’s not like his choice is grift vs starting as an audit associate at EY. he's a high school graduate that was turned away from the military because of his test scores. the world needs ditch diggers too.
  13. Great list and if I can add to the Ukraine point. Some complain that we shouldn’t be sending billions to Ukraine while we have a border crisis. False argument. We can do both if wanted. But also it’s not like we send billions to Ukraine and they buy Chinese military supplies. Those billions are coming right back to American military companies and workers. Ukraine aid is also a stimulus check for workers in 38+ states. and the most important part, not 1 American soldier has died.
  14. Bitcoin mining will drop in April when the payout drops in half as originally planned. Unless the price also doubles, and then everything stays the same.
  15. Another quality politician from SC with plenty of backbone. In 2021, Nancy Mace, GOP Congress member from SC, criticized Trump for his role in Jan 6th. Trump didn’t like that so he endorsed her GOP primary rival in 2022. Nikki Haley was the main supporter of Mace and even traveled with her in Mace’s campaign. Mace won her primary 53-45. Haley may have been the reason. fast forward to today. Mace has done a 180 and is a full on Trumpist and goes on about how Nikki is basically a Chinese agent. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/03/nancy-mace-nikki-haley-south-carolina-republicans-nn-vpx.cnn
  16. The story was always a bit shady.
  17. I had to watch that twice. They should stop reading economic news live as is comes in. And for the guy who said this was a good as it gets, I hope he enjoyed his last Fox News appearance.
  18. One Shot made 32nd out of 36 things to do in Dripping Springs on Trip Advisor.
  19. As a wacky as Trump is, he definitely gets his message out to his core followers. Some even run ahead of his crazy statements by coming up with crazier ideas. Very remarkable.
  20. the election was stolen from Trump, leading to his secret, shadow govt that has led to the greatest prosperity for everyone?* * except for anything negative. That's Joe's fault.
  21. 2016 looked like a layup too. Run up the score to guarantee victory. Biden wants to reform border security but the House isn't letting him. Do it anyway. Is the House going to sue Biden for increasing security without full authorization. Biden needs to get border crossings below Trump admin levels and then highlight it. Take away every issue that has even the slightest legitimacy. And ask Americans if they are personally better off today than 4 years ago.
  22. The GOP will be telling voters to not look at their paycheck or brokerage statements. Instead eggs are more expensive than they were in 2017. #1 issue. seriously with the GOP not being able to run on the economy, they will continue to focus on immigration. Be prepared for them to find a young, pretty blonde woman killed by an immigrant with a dark complexion. Her mother and father will be on the GOP convention stage with Trump.
  23. Weisselberg, trump org CFO, in negotiations to plead guilty for perjury in NY. I guess going to jail for 100 days didn’t teach him a lesson the last time. Hopefully he goes away for a longer stretch. everyone around Trump goes to jail except him. Amazing.
  24. I have to guess that there are more than a few attorneys who are passing on top dollar advice to the whistleblowers’ attorney. Outside of Ted Cruz, does anyone have more hatred towards them than Paxton?
  25. There are some that love the Chiefs solely for their refusal to bend to lib'rul demands to change their name.
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