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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Foosters

  1. They should put Jimbo's contract in there
  2. The fact that A&Ms law school managed to crack the top 50 just a few years after being a T4 shit hole in a strip mall, tells you all you need to know about the rankings.
  3. Fun fact: I am seeking loan forgiveness through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. Must have 10 years of public service, and 10 years worth (120) of qualifying payments in order to have the loans forgiven. Even though loan payments were paused in March 2020, each month since has been counted towards the 120. That alone has saved me roughly $30k in repayments. Thanks Covid, thanks Donny, and thanks Uncle Joe.
  4. I didn't. Imagine my surprise when I walked in with my chainsaw.
  5. Imagine being a UMass player. Had this game circled on the calendar for some time. Obviously no chance of winning, but playing at a packed house of 100k in the intimidating and impossible-to-find Kyle field against a top 10 SEC team, is an experience you tell your grandkids about. Instead, they're playing in front of like nine thousand people in a cold rain against a 3-6 dumpster fire. Then, aggy is so bad that you actually have hope you're going to win the game. Only to realize victory is once again slipping away and then you look up through the cold rain and see half clothed feral aggies running laps around the empty upper deck. Just an emotionally devastating experience.
  6. With friends like these, eh Gary?
  7. Tacitly endorse? Dude has flat out said he loves that the GOP calls Mexicans "rapists" and "murderers" even when not true, because he believes its good politics and gets the base out. Doesn't care that it may lead to shit like the El Paso Walmart shooting. Don't engage the guy. He gets off on that even more than the thought of dead Brown kids.
  8. guys don't even joke around with fake submissions they say its perjury if you do and you can be punished.
  9. Damn. Not sure I'd be so calm and lifeless if my face had just been stung by a pack of bees
  10. Won't someone think of that poor deputy DA forced to prosecute that case! I was just following orders!
  11. well shit, had I known that all those emails soliciting money were going to be used for THAT, I might not have been so quick to mark as spam
  12. LA Times on CA races. Would be interested to hear @Js1's take. I am surprised that CA-27 stayed red after all the GOP bullshit over the last 2+ years. https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2022-11-15/smith-faults-national-democrats-for-her-likely-loss-against-gop-rep-mike-garcia
  13. Right, but what about your neighbor's Nazi bio-labs?
  14. I can't wait to see Amanda Seyfried as Musk in the Hulu miniseries
  15. Most wont. Enough will to cause a serious problem for their chances at the WH in '24. Of course, a lot can happen between now and then.
  16. Not a single person has said that. Are you aware you're turning into the satyanash of the CR?
  17. On an unrelated note, can someone tell this casual observer why its not a total disaster that the 30-44 age group only went D+2? After all the shit GOP has pulled, not to mention Roe going down, how tf do the millennials basically split equally between GOP and Dems?
  18. Jimbo 2023: Mama, where'd that bag man go
  19. "The GOP needs needs to look deep into a mirror to figure out why their message isn't resonating with the people after tonight's results.....and when you do that you come to the conclusion that Americans want people like DeSantis and Greg Abbott"
  20. They should look to California then. Latinos support for the democratic party remain strong.
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