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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. 9 seems awfully old to have never banged a whore before shooting her for her money.
  2. And with that last fg, I surge into the lead.
  3. He owes his pro career to that man
  4. That's what makes his departure even more of a tragedy. Yeah sure, I'll laugh at the dipshittery of future aggy coaches, but I doubt any of them will capture the essence of aggy quite like that insecure, little cuck did. It was a magical time.
  5. If she was aware of their shortcomings, she wouldn't argue stupid shit like Texas and A&M are 1a and 1b in "everything". that's the complete opposite of being aware of their shortcomings. If she looked like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, nobody would even listen to her.
  6. Nobody really gives a fuck about what she has to say about the sport of football. She's better looking than the milkmen, so for the subset of their fanbase that prefers pussy to sheep anus, she has an audience. But she cant go running around chirping like some 2%. Read the room, take some notes from chin pubes if you have to, whatever....just dont start being complimentary of Texas. If she's too fucking stupid to figure that out, she better start lodging pimp canes up her asshole on OF.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Spencer_(American_football)
  8. Regarding Avalos, Boise pulled the trigger pretty quick on a guy that was a player & assistant at Boise and went 10-4 just last year. They aren't going to handle a slide back to mediocrity well.
  9. Between Royal and Sark, they do a decent job prepping coaches for a shot at the bigtime.
  10. Lulz at Blinndergarden churning out all those next generation ags. I bet their course requirements consist entirely of aggy fanfiction where they learn to weild their crayons spinning yarns about those BigXII glory days and assisting visiting fans with directions to the tacklebox dominating the campus skyline.
  11. Bowls are always a crapshoot, especially recently with so many upperclassmen with talent sitting out. But mullet's career bowl record is 11-6, so it looks like he at least gives a shit about them. I hope Vegas makes aggy at least a 2-1 favorite.
  12. they were guarding the grass at the pentagon, you stupid sip.
  13. Collins was usually sitting on my bench anyway , so I was really trading away Kittle for Kelce. But now, as the #1 receiver I'm not sure Collins would be sitting on my bench.
  14. Ha. Worked a trade a couple of days ago giving up Kittle and Nico Collins getting Kelce and Thielen back. Now with Dell out and Collins the clear #1, I have some regrets, lulz
  15. A&M is to the SEC as Aggy was to the Big 12. Simple as that. Irrelevant.
  16. Watching OSU work up a #6 on aggy butthole will be a great lead-in to games that actually matter.
  17. Those braindead dildos over in Liucciville are mad as hell and they are just gonna take it like they always do.
  18. 63 pt over? A theoretical 34-29 game? That seems probably 15-20 pts low. They should get their's against our shitty pass D. We will have to outscore them. Think I will jump on that now.
  19. That is not the reaction of a bunch of dudes that have confidence they can beat anyone/anywhere. Thats a bitch made reaction right there. They couldn't hide it. I assume UM and UW will be favored, so that underdog ML parlay may be enticing. Run it back for the title. Huh, I guess we're favored, a bit surprised there
  20. If that transpires, we'd be cock-slapping the entire SEC at once before we ever lace them up for our first conference game. I like it. It sets the tone for our arrival nicely. Now get daddy a drink.
  21. This third quarter seems likes its been going for an hour and a half now, and there is still 4 minutes left.
  22. If I had never watched a game of football before and this was my introduction to the sport, it could very well be the only game of cfb I would ever watch. Which would be a shame.
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