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Everything posted by Tigersnake

  1. Your shameless flouting of the rules and norms that hold Surly Nation together reminds me of someone.
  2. Herman has to be feeling that the stakes are high for his job, but has he ever considered just saying "Fuck it", and letting his nuts hang? I don't think he has...
  3. No snow in S.A., but I could probably find a pile of Labrador turds in which to nap. Seems about the same as watching the game except I have alcohol here.
  4. Suh-no fuh-lake. Also, given the quality of Sooner edjumucation, I'm doubting Herbert could define "Marxist values".
  5. Pos rep for self-awareness. Not sure that's within the surly-rules, but Ken Jeong I'll allow it .gif
  6. Not sure what's wrong with Fletch but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say a problem with his Fetzer valve or ball bearings.
  7. When I got to Austin it was amazing to me that there could be more than two nightlife options on a weekend night.
  8. They're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks~ Bonnie Tyler on Texas Football 2020
  9. Sorry, I've been lurking on here for 5 years and wasn't aware that is allowed.
  10. Well, I'd say they certainly qualified for Texas on their own in the same way that you or I did. That is, on the basis of their talents and the value those bring to the University, except that your ( or my) ability to ace the analogy portion of the S.A.T. doesn't mean shit to anybody and certainly wouldn't ever be worth millions of dollars. Hook 'em.
  11. So THAT"S how it is in their family. ~Mr. Rooney
  12. Now, Biff...are you sure you just finished the second coat of wax on my BMW?
  13. I can't tell from the rendering but I think that must the new Zoysia/Troops-Hating Crabgrass strain. Otherwise, why would those aggy be walking on it? If it's regular sacred aggy grass, all those students are in for a world of trouble.
  14. In a 5 mile linear distance, how many millions of noble, chivalrous aggy would be able to provide lost visitors directions and that matchless aggy hospitality--- such that visitors will rush home immediately and pen a message of teary gratitude on an open forum?? Forget the shuttles guys, this is going to be great!!
  15. I remember when Case McCoy saw the molasses parting and his body derped forward and his skinny legs swerved and herped him through all the befuddled aggy like a rag doll marionette who had just taken a turn at dizzy bat. Good times.
  16. Um...user name doesn't check out does it??
  17. Too many knee wrinkles. Not Surly standard and, for that reason I am sorry Brooke...would not bang (yes I would).
  18. Mine is now nicely ph balanced and smells like elderflowers
  19. He and Kirk must have already finished their scissoring session for the day.
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