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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. i'm not sure which i prefer: lawyer second-guessing or doctor second-guessing. i think we all lose either way. ^^ i mean that with peace and love
  2. yeah, uh...yall know "equality" doesn't mean what you think it means, right? jesus.
  3. heb, i love ya, but your tamales are trash. there, i feel good having typed it out. i love everything heb, but their tamales are a massive fail. mccarthy down for a third time. the feisty minority standing pretty strong at the moment. do they continue supporting jordan, or do they shift to possible compromise? oh wait, there is no compromise with these 19 crazy people.
  4. i'm very diversified in my hebs now. still based at slaughter/manchaca, but i could head to escarpment for that prime and wagyu or i can get a whole hog's head at my heb. they all offer something different.
  5. at what point on the scale of 1 - 10 does the threshold for "supported trump" exist? because he's north of that at least.
  6. i didn't draw the bullshit district, i just live here in south austin.
  7. lol chip roy, my fucking representative, standing on his principles for jim jordan!
  8. the democrats are openly laughing at the republicans. seriously, if that isn't enough to shame the trumpies, i'm not sure anything can. were they just chanting "be strong?"
  9. now this...i don't know. i might overdose already, it's not a done thing, but i'm close. this would do it.
  10. that's the thing most folks are missing. it's not close. these votes are supposed to be bespoke deals. they are done before they are called. this is a major fuck up in the republican party that they themselves have stoked. it's kind of incredible. i wouldn't believe it written in a novel. it's too bullshit.
  11. nobody can, and they all know it. problem is that mccarthy has promised everything to everyone and the minority knows his acquiescence is bullshit, because he is bullshit. that's why this is so entertaining. he sold his soul for this, so much so that principles don't really matter any longer. well, promises made, fucker. there are a hell of a lot more than 19 republicans that don't believe him. this will be interesting.
  12. problem is, we all knew one thing: one of them was going to be goddamned right in the end, that's for sure.
  13. a determined, never wrong, yet distracted lawyer vs a flabbergasted, never wrong, "the math is right, though" statistician? who would've predicted this could happen?
  14. remember this: it's never about what they can accomplish. it's about what they can prevent from being accomplished. it's really that simple. if they are in a position to obstruct something, anything, they will, because fuck you. usually i respect that kind of fuck you equanimity, but in this case it's pretty destructive in a non-constructive way.
  15. that's the whole fucking deal. like recognizes like. he caved to them spinelessly, ergo, they don't respect him for being spineless and they don't like him, and they are doing it because they can. that's the most important thing to understand about trump hardliners. they are fucking with shit because they can.
  16. could you imagine a democratic speaker of a republican house for even one hour? jesus mary
  17. fuckin a right i had one call this morning before the vote, and now i'm fucking transfixed. it's amazing watching a self-immolation coincide with a defenestration. all the best westerns have em.
  18. it's more than the fact that no one likes maccarthy, i think. i mean, that's true, but i don't think it's the only thing. it's that mccarthy has the reek of desperation around him. matt gaetz said it on the fucking house floor, "he's sold shares of himself." fucking ironic coming from such a scumbag, but there it is. the thing is, everyone knows mccarthy wants to be the speaker. he wants it more than anything else. clearly he wants it more than his own integrity. and ultimately, and not without some irony, this is what is biting him in the ass. he was milquetoast af republican miller lite bullshit who would do whatever it took to secure a leadership position. then along comes trump and his merry band of losers and mccarthy is fucking confused. but that doesn't last long, his mental math starts again, and he calculates he needs trump so he starts bending over for the man. he'd give him anything to placate him. he'd give up his integrity itself to prove to trump that he was loyal, even though he wasn't. so he sold out to the trump wing of the party. this is why we don't negotiate with terrorists. republicans negotiated with their terrorists. good luck with that. terrorists like to blow everything up when they don't get their way. mccarthy hoisted himself on his own blind ambition.
  19. yeah, but it's so blatantly transparent. shit, i would believe toranaga didn't want the shogunate more than i would believe that jordan doesn't want to be speaker.
  20. maybe. maybe not. i don't know that those votes are his to whip
  21. yeah, i heard the same thing. basically, death by 10s of cuts one at a time. i don't know how long they can sustain this, but i'm loving every minute of it. reap the fucking whirlwind, mccarthy. you deserve this. you made this.
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