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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. see, but you do care enough to post and share your opinion. look, i'm just warning you that you sound like a racist rationalizing his beliefs. you don't care that i think that, great. but it's how you are coming across, and i like to think of myself as fairly reasonable. but when you start using coded racist language, i get annoyed. "there's less racism now than ever before" is a racist loser argument. there's always work to be done. yesterday's improvement over "deplorable" doesn't mean we cannot make an improvement tomorrow to somewhere north of "terrible." and i am convinced that you are trying not to see race here. like, that you are a racist, whether or not you are intentionally is another argument altogether. here's a small challenge: do you agree that the behavior of this female black police chief firing 5 male black police officers for killing a male black person (i would go further and put in the descriptor BEATING HIM TO DEATH but whatever) in the timeline she did it was appropriate? i actually say it should be quicker. i would argue that if i and four friends of mine went and BEAT SOMEONE TO DEATH, we wouldn't be waiting weeks for justice. why has it taken so long to release the video? but, for the sake of exercise, let's plsay pretend for a minute and take race and gender out of everything i said above: do you agree that the behavior of the police chief firing 5 officers for BEATING A PERSON TO DEATH in the timeline done was appropriate? yes? why isn't it done so quickly in other cases? would race have something to do with it? especially the race of the officers and the chief? whose race do you deem more important here: the victim or the perpetrators or the chief or the community being policed or what?
  2. derivative is a criticism levied by non-serious people at things they don't understand. unless it's the foo fighters, who are absolutely derivative. fight me.
  3. honest question: when was the last time the police severely beat a white person to death? are the numbers analagous to black people being beaten to death or found dead in the cell?
  4. exactly. it's content. people have learned to control their content. why on earth would i tune into 93.7 to listen to 30 year old music? i can listen to 30 year old music on spotify, and i can listen to the 30 year old music i want to listen to, not the 4 millionth play of panama, which admittedly is a badass song, when i want to listen to it. i' don't have the answers, but i'm convinced everything they are doing is wrong and that they are really trying to make an antiquated business model fit into a modern world. start selling tires and stop shoeing horses. christ.
  5. oh, it can happen. tragically, it happened here in austin some time back, and affected members of our community. person a gets in fight with person b, somehow person a is hit or shoved and hits head on curb and dies. it does happen. but it didn't here. and because it didn't, i'll stand by my statement that it's fucking hard to beat someone to death.
  6. see, you're falling into that trap of the unintentional racist with your (1) above. just because there is "less" of it, which suffers already from a definition of what "it" (racial animus) is, but also from a matter of degree. america has been fucking racist for hundreds of years. like, slavery, then intentional segregation and intentional sabotaging of an entire race's opportunity in this country. sundown towns, the crazy ass biased justice system, the invented crack epidemic. great. we aren't giving native american people smallpox blankets any more. why aren't they happy?!? also, that's a tool that intentional racists use on purpose to be disingenuous, so you might want to be careful there.
  7. let's make a bet. let's bet that isn't what happened here and what happened here was a severe beating that resulted in death, not a one-off accidental hit of the head.
  8. what do you think? i think we are starting to see interesting conversations erupt around this, up to and including inherent police bias with regards to the race of a civilian, regardless, or perhaps because of the race of the cops. this song came out in 19fucking88. 35 fucking years ago. in 1988, 35 years previously was 1953, for reference. think about that for a second. "black police showing out for the white cop" these issues are not fucking new.
  9. beyond that, i think most folks don't have an understanding of how hard it is to beat someone to death. a firearm discharge is 1000% more understandable than BEATING SOMEONE TO FUCKING DEATH.
  10. sometimes i wonder about posters like you. do you stop and actually think about what you post? or have you staked out your position and by god, that's all there is to it. like, for example, i read your post and you seem hellbent on there being no racial animus here. why? of course there is racial animus. this is fucking america.
  11. over the years, i've listened to 101x, 93.7fm and am. i'd love to see a balance sheet for the business. i know terrestrial radio is dead, or at least that's the common misconception, i reckon. the fcc has done radio no favors in a podcast world, but the appetite for quality content is there, and has not at all abated. terrestrial radio suffers from the same issues as broadcast networks. an outdated business model. in both instances, they have run to the bottom of the barrel for local content (i'm pretty sure every local tv news station hires high school students as anchors) and pay them pennies and wonder why people aren't tuning in. if i want a national show on an austin terrestrial channel, i'd listen to a podcast or a national show in my sirius subscription. i listen to local radio because i like locally based content. the only show that seems to understand that is mornings with matt and bob and they seem to really be the only local morning show still around. and even so, i can't listen live, so i have to podcast it. evidently that doesn't count for their ratings? that's fucking stupid. anyways. tl;dr: the advert model for everything is broken and nobody seems interested in updating a century old business model for reasons.
  12. it hit the news today? today is the first you are hearing of this? i mean, that's okay, apparently some white dude murdered his family and now it's all over the news and i have no idea what the hell is going on with that. we all get busy and miss the news cycle, but this has been talked about all fucking week.
  13. same but I'll watch. those people in blue are paid by taxpayers. i owe it to the deceased. i must face it, like looking at older lynching pictures.
  14. i love how part of the conversation is centered around more training. i don't really need it security training at work but they make me take a 20 minute course everyone has to take annually. my boss's boss's boss has no idea who i am, what i do, or how much revenue i am responsible for bringing in annually but they sure as fuck know when I'm late with that stupid training. i don't think i need training on how not to beat someone to death though. this isn't deescalation issues. they beat this man to death. DEATH. more training my ass
  15. an enterprising man would see this as an opportunity to get his shit together.
  16. city of austin has a whole rolodex of consultants. if they don't work out, call bellmont. consultants make the best decisions.
  17. this aged really fucking well like a trump brand steak god, that whole video gave me the douche chills
  18. i don't know how this topic doesn't go full cloak room, but godspeed to all of you. i happen to fall in the side of "way too much shit is classified, and why is it so fucking portable?" fuck, i can't even save a word doc on a usb drive here at work. yet we have former and current officials just running around with classified shit. it's like corporations where they tell you not to work in a public space, but your boss has you on a deadline, and i doubt anyone in the airport bar is really looking at my screen, so i'll just do some work on the database here. except, you know, this is national security not some data about something or other else.
  19. my logic at the time made sense to me. get a third party to a reasonable % of the vote so they qualify for federal funding and hillary wasn't winning texas anyways. now, i'm probably middle finger to the republicans at all times including voting for anyone running against them. they are the biggest threat to our democracy right now, foreign or domestic.
  20. i don't mind small time investment rental properties. hell, i'd love to have the headaches of a small time landlord as someone buys me a house. i dont know where the line is but 10 properties feels about right. i could be argued off that number to another. but at some point, when we are talking affordable housing, we also need to talk about local ownership. i don't have the solution, but corporate cash buyers are fucking this market sideways.
  21. it's all those people who didn't vote for dotard but somehow ended up defending everything he and the republican party tried to do during his shit administration. what a wasted four fucking years that was. fucking christ. good job gary johnson voters! from the actual gary johnson voter who wishes he could go back and vote for clinton. ain't none of yall supposed gary johnson voters willing to admit that, are you?
  22. we should always worry about young dudes without dates, as jeff ward says. though he usually uses "shirtless dudes" he's not far off. these men are the causers of chaos and violence for about forever.
  23. let's be fair to ole lindsay though. he made it about as openly as a southern conservative gay man could in a certain time and place. now, why he chooses to be republican, absolutely go after him for that. i'll never understand log cabin republicans (or their name, why yall gotta be gross?) or anyone who supports republicans anymore, really. but lindsay is a confirmed bachelor and in the south, errybody knows what that means
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