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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. i actually loved the world cup stoppage time focus. it gets too bush league toward the end, but i guess that can be fart of the tension and fun. i am a soccer fan and there's shit that drives me around the bend with the sport. stoppage time being one. a big one for me is respect for the ref. there is none. it's our job as fans to disrespect the ref. it's the captain's job to argue with the ref. all it would take is once or twice for a ref to do a yellow bonanza and the ref riots would stop. kicking the ball away from an opponent makes me laugh but it's such a terrible look. but allowing players to fucking scuff the spot is beyond the pale. that's bush league shit. i also used to be team running clock, but i'm not any longer. similar for basketball. i hate when the game completely (not subtly shitfs tactically, but fundamentally) changes at the end. basketball is barely the same fucking sport in a close game down the stretch. intentional fouls should still be called intentional, no?
  2. what do you think it means? hint: grift. that's it.
  3. jesus christ, satan has me today, i've run out of empathy: go fuck all yall this is some disgusting and reprehensible shit
  4. it's really kind of sad when one sits down to think about it. the utter personal debasement it took to grift what she was grifting had to be pretty hard on the soul.
  5. lulz, stole my idea with tay-tay. so i was just thinking about this the other day, about how i'm getting a little tired of the "guy who alone can solve all the problems besetting his family and will stop at nothing to accomplish...something." he believes that he alone can solve all the problems, and he's our protagonist who is going to break all the rules to solve those problems. we know he's the protagonist because the show is named after him or his gang. he's going to break all the fucking rules because winning is the most important thing in his world. because for him, it's win or die. he's got an addict sibling/spouse, and because of this he tends to distance himself from those to whom he should be closest. but also, he has an underlying sense of unrealized empathy that keeps the audience at arm's length but close enough to want him to do the right thing because you want him to be pg013, but he doesn't do the right thing because he's the rated fucking r antihero and fuck you that's why. just like everyone else in his orbit, right when he lets you closer emotionally, he lets you down again by doing some heinous shit. it's all the shows now, and it's driving me a little fucking crazy.
  6. there is a bigger game afoot. i don't have time to connect the dots for myself but this is part of local school board races, book bannings, curriculum fuckery and the like. it's the religious right trying to careen us towards hamdmaid tale areas of shithousery.
  7. as a big fan of bougie food and cooking shows and fine dining, i fucking loved this movie. @Bozo_Casanova needs to watch this strictly for the bread dish, which might be his favorite. spoilers follow:
  8. i guess that's what i meant. it would of course be notable in brazil and south america at large. probably pretty big news throughout the rest of the world. i dunno, maybe i'm peevish, because this hits a little close to home now. we used to be able to pretend we were above post election insurrection. that's something that happened "over there," as in brazil or wherever. i cannot really figure out if bolsonaro is brazil's trump or trump is our bolsonaro, but i fear bolsonaro is the real deal whereas trump is a gypsy grifter.
  9. depressing how this would barely be notable in brazil if it hadn't happened here. i mean no offense to our local brazilians. but i mean, we sacked our own capitol, fuck's sake
  10. i once saw a two drunk english guys in greenwich nearly get into a fist fight in the middle of sunday afternoon. one uad his two year old daughter on his shoulders. sunday afternoon pub time in england is something.
  11. this is the last gasp of boomer white people. problem is the last gasp is taking 40 fucking years
  12. well it was awkward but in a dumb funny way because those two are married.
  13. this fucking dude went down to maralago after the insurrection to get back in trump's favor. he reaped the fucking wind.
  14. i think you're right. gaetz said he was a forever no and positioned himself as last so he could vote present and rosendale fucked everything up. maybe.
  15. evidently gaetz got what he wanted and has agreed to vote yea on mccarthy
  16. oh god I'm not sure i can handle another vote especially if mccarthy loses again after all this
  17. they all fucked them all. aint no republican got their shit together. reminds me of the whole repeal obamacare thing. it's all empty. but goddamn I'm having fun tonight as treacherous as this is.
  18. i ain't drinking but I'm on that sativa. let's do this.
  19. no it was always gaetz and he should have. gaetz is a fucking smug prick who fucked him right in the ass after promising him the gavel
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