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Everything posted by TexEx15

  1. This morning before jumping in the pool I took a minute to explain what today is about. I told my youngest daughter, 5, that we honor the soldiers that died protecting our country so we can be free. She looked me dead in the eye and said “yeah a bunch died in school”. It broke me.
  2. How would you define well regulated milita?
  3. Correct. In summary mission parameters would determine which model is used. The new term though is WSO (Wizzo) Weapon Systems Officer as opposed to RIO Radar Intercept Officer. WSO is probably more accurate with today’s fighters.
  4. SIAP. This is just fantastic.
  5. I was the only one that laughed out loud when he said her name. I was disappointed in the other moviegoers.
  6. Will probably try to go see it again at the Cinemark in Pflugerville with the DBox motion seats.
  7. Just sat down for my 7:30 showing. Apparently I didn’t get the memo to wear my flight suit and aviators.
  8. FUCK and I can’t stress this enough… HIM!
  9. Look at this orange piece of shit.
  10. Chances are they propped the door open because the AC was not working because Texas schools are in disrepair because of the states failure to properly fund education.
  11. No they just figured the kids were dead already so no rush. What a fucking failure on every level.
  12. This is infuriating on so many different levels.
  13. He can’t because any real solution involves gun control, which is a non-starter for him and his ilk.
  14. Wow random DP separated by a full nights sleep. Agree.
  15. How about this compromise. Current gun owners keep their AR15s but no new sales. That would have stopped what happened on Tuesday. That’s a start.
  16. How about stopping those from getting them in the first place. Ramos was a “law abiding citizen” with no mental health red flag at least one that prevented him from obtaining those rifles. How do we stop him from getting those weapons and slaughtering 21 people. We ban the weapons.
  17. I literally said that you can keep yours but let’s stop selling them. That would have stopped what happened on Tuesday. I asked if you would make that compromise and you went off on a tangent about cars and drunk drivers. You care more about unfettered access to weapons than finding a real solution. Mental health is an issue in other countries yet this doesn’t happen. Why? Maybe because every swinging dick can’t buy two AR15s on his birthday… Nah that’s not it.
  18. Your position is clear. There is nothing that will change your mind as it relates to the proliferation of assault weapons. There is no body count high enough or age low enough that will make you say maybe we don’t need these kinds of weapons out there for every Tom Dick and Harry to buy. So I’ll say no you don’t like the murder of the children to make you feel better about yourself. But you also damned sure don’t care enough to make it stop. Your indifference and inaction of the GQP is a symptom of the disease that keeps us locked in this vicious cycle. I’m sure you will cry your eyes out after the next mass school shooting too because make no mistake, there will be another one, and another one, and another one…
  19. And there it is. The only country in the world where this kind of shit happens regularly, where people also have unfettered access to these types of guns, and I’m the stupid mother fucker for thinking we should start there. The false equivalency of cars and drunk drivers has been debunked thoroughly. Just admit your gun fetish is more important and if the blood of innocent children is the price to pay well you are good with that.
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