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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. The Hills? Its been out since 2am in the 34. I heard a whole power pole snapped down the road so not expecting it back soon. We were down 3 days in 21. Wood burning stove and batteries for the laptops so we will be fine. Lost two decent limbs on my 160 year old live oak is kind of a bummer. And my neighbors shitty Hackberry is unscathed of course. POS is invincible.
  2. The old ones with 80lb anorexic waifs that haven't been outside in the sun ever, look more masculine than this clown
  3. So you add up all the line items and compute the the sales tax and deduct coupons before paying at the grocery store? Ok... Bunch of weirdos
  4. FFS, after your first item is scanned at many terminals, but not all, you cam run your card and your payment will process after the last item is scanned This leaves you free to bag your shit up and gtfo
  5. No, was a tip of the cap to a thread on TOS about that dude that posted muscle picts then went to jail and somehow his acquaintance was elected to city council.
  6. The gym has pretty clearly stated rules including not filming. Two heavy lifters got kicked out for being chronic meatheads and loudly saying stupid shit regularly. But if you are filming your workout and stay out of the way they don't give two shits. Its very common at least at my gym. I'm sure during peak times people are smart enough not to film, but I try to avoid the busy periods. I honestly don't care as long as they are mindful. Be it to work on form, track gains or monetize. Just stay out the way. It's unsurprising, people film and post Everything these days. It's not just Mussle pics in the Gym Bathroom like in Ricky's day.
  7. Usually at least on bro or hottie filming everytime I go. A lot of them use actual cameras and legit tripods, not just iPhone and cheap stands. I want to start photobombing them, maybe let an old man nut hang out of my shorts, but I like my gym and don't want to get the banhammer.
  8. I have no idea, folk singers don't fool with no Sky Mall. (or grocery store apps.)
  9. Born to Run


    Sorry about the cancer, I've definitely brought back some of California's finest medicinal for people with various ailments including cancer over the years. It can be great medicine if targeted correctly. I had an aunt that wouldn't eat during chemo, some low dose gummies and appetite restored. Sleep, anxiety, strains to help depression and low energy. I wish you a speedy recovery. Find what helps you. Speaking of which, I haven't been to Cali in 4 months, could you mail me some .5 sleep gummies, I'm running low. The safe full of sativa flower my homies leave around isn't my jam unless I want to stay up all night cleaning my house.
  10. Are you one of those assholes that waits until every item is scanned before inserting your card? You can make payment at Heb as soon as the first item is scanned.
  11. Next time on: When these are not the Droids you are looking for goes wrong.
  12. That's modern conservatism: " I heard/ I feel " something outrageous so I'm going to get outraged about Everything even marginally related.
  13. I'd give it a shot. I've done a few projects in Crestview and South Austin where somebody insisted on keeping the chain link and forced the privacy fence to go well inside the new fence owner's lot line. Later they removed the chain link and had a significantly larger backyard And a nice free privacy fence. A couple feet the length of your property on some lots is significant.
  14. So it's another data point that I'm a Libtard, (or LiBard or however the fuck they mispell it,) when they eventually endorse him? Pass
  15. I personally fucking hate the SEC move. The whole thing, Football, Basketball and maybe most of all Baseball. Fuck SEC fans Piggy And Ags especially. There is no glory even beating them..., and only animal abuse when they manage to win one. Ohio kinda sucks excepting Cincy
  16. Sure until people starting narcing to squares and fucked up the whole system.
  17. Actually I feel like that was my highest calling, something I was Born to do. Excepting evading Mr Gann, didn't know that dude.
  18. I'm a pacifist, I was a conscientious objector. No drama by my hand.
  19. We've had a ton of fun with these when my son was younger. Easy stunt kite to learn; and super durable. It's relaxing as shit to fly it on a trip somewhere as the sun goes down. Prism Kite Technology Synapse Dual-line Parafoil Kite - an Ideal Entry Level Kite for Kids and Adults to Dual-line Kiting https://a.co/d/5BNcctK Add your own glass strings and start waxing fools.
  20. Nice area that went to shit in the 80s with the quickness. Candlelight Oaks got hood as fuck too.
  21. I had several of those bad boys and rode the bus past the headquarters often-Gayla Industries. Pride of Nawf Side H town. Inwood up to no good.
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